(a) Bunks. Bunks shall be fire resistive and securely anchored. The mattress surface of the bunk shall measure not less than two feet-three inches wide and six feet-three inches long.
(b) Toilets and Lavatories. Detention type toilets and lavatories shall be provided in cells and day rooms. Based on design capacity, each cell and day room shall provide one toilet and lavatory capable of providing drinking water for each group or increment of eight inmates.
(c) Showers. Shower areas shall be not less than two feet-six inches square per showerhead and not less than seven feet high. Construction shall be of vandal resistive materials and should be of materials which resist the action of soap and water. Drying areas of not less than two feet-six inches square sloped to a drain should be provided adjoining the shower entrance. Based on design capacity, each separation cell and day room shall provide one shower for each group or increment of 12 inmates.
(d) Tables and Seating. Tables and seating shall be constructed of materials which will resist vandalism. They shall be fire resistive, securely anchored, and reasonably remote from toilet areas. Tables and benches shall be not less than 12 inches wide, and linear seating shall be not less than 18 continuous inches per person. Stools shall be not less than 12 inches in diameter. Seating height of 14 inches to 18 inches shall be provided.
(e) Privacy Shields. Inmate toilet areas in holding cells shall be configured or equipped to provide reasonable privacy from exposure to persons outside the cell. Privacy shields should extend from about 15 inches above the finished floor to about four feet-six inches high and shall be securely anchored.
(f) Mirrors. Mirrors shall be constructed of unbreakable material. Mirrors shall be provided above lavatories in separation cells.
Source Note: The provisions of this §261.238 adopted to be effective December 19, 1994, 19 TexReg 9526.