(a) TxHmL Program services are described in this section and in Appendix C of the TxHmL Program waiver application approved by CMS.
(1) Adaptive aids include devices, controls, or items that are necessary to address specific needs identified in an individual's service plan. Adaptive aids enable an individual to maintain or increase the ability to perform ADLs or the ability to perceive, control, or communicate with the environment in which the individual lives.
(2) Audiology is the provision of audiology as defined in the Texas Occupations Code Chapter 401.
(3) Speech and language pathology is the provision of speech-language pathology as defined in the Texas Occupations Code Chapter 401.
(4) Occupational therapy is the provision of occupational therapy as described in the Texas Occupations Code Chapter 454.
(5) Physical therapy is the provision of physical therapy as defined in the Texas Occupations Code Chapter 453.
(6) Dietary is the provision of nutrition services as defined in the Texas Occupations Code Chapter 701.
(7) Behavioral support is the provision of specialized interventions that:
(A) assist an individual to increase adaptive behaviors to replace or modify maladaptive or socially unacceptable behaviors that prevent or interfere with the individual's inclusion in home and family life or community life; and
(B) improve an individual's quality of life.
(8) Day habilitation is assistance with acquiring, retaining, or improving self-help, socialization, and adaptive skills provided in a location other than the residence of an individual. Day habilitation does not include in-home day habilitation.
(9) In-home day habilitation is assistance with acquiring, retaining, or improving self-help, socialization, and adaptive skills provided in the individual's residence.
(10) Dental treatment is:
(A) emergency dental treatment;
(B) preventive dental treatment;
(C) therapeutic dental treatment; and
(D) orthodontic dental treatment, excluding cosmetic orthodontia.
(11) Minor home modifications are physical adaptations to an individual's residence to address specific needs identified by an individual's service planning team.
(12) Licensed vocational nursing is the provision of licensed vocational nursing as defined in the Texas Occupations Code Chapter 301.
(13) Registered nursing is the provision of professional nursing as defined in the Texas Occupations Code Chapter 301.
(14) Specialized registered nursing is the provision of registered nursing to an individual who has a tracheostomy or is dependent on a ventilator.
(15) Specialized licensed vocational nursing is the provision of licensed vocational nursing to an individual who has a tracheostomy or is dependent on a ventilator.
(16) Community support provides transportation to an individual.
(17) Respite provides temporary relief for an unpaid caregiver of an individual in a location other than the individual's residence.
(18) In-home respite provides temporary relief for an unpaid caregiver of an individual in the individual's residence.
(19) Employment assistance provides assistance to help an individual locate paid employment in the community.
(20) Supported employment provides assistance, in order to sustain competitive employment, to an individual who, because of a disability, requires intensive, ongoing support to be self-employed, work from home, or perform in a work setting at which individuals without disabilities are employed.
(b) The services described in this subsection are for an individual who is receiving at least one TxHmL Program service through the CDS option.
(1) FMS is a service defined in 40 TAC §41.103 (relating to Definitions).
(2) Support consultation is a service defined in 40 TAC §41.103.
Source Note: The provisions of this §262.5 adopted to be effective March 1, 2023, 48 TexReg 1055