(a) Facility site.
(1) Facility sites shall be well drained and free from depressions in which water may stand. Natural sinkholes, pools, swamps, or other surface collectors of water within 200 feet of the periphery of the site shall be drained, filled, or treated to prevent mosquito breeding.
(2) Facility sites shall not be subject to conditions which create offensive odors, flies, noise, traffic, fire, safety, flooding, overcrowding, or similar hazards.
(3) Grounds within the facility site shall be free from debris, noxious plants (poison ivy, etc.) uncontrolled weeds, or brush.
(4) Facility sites shall have recreation space for the facility occupants based on the maximum facility capacity.
(5) Facility sites shall be located at least 500 feet from livestock feeding pens.
(6) The housing site shall not be subject to periodic flooding or located so the drainage from and through the site will endanger any domestic or public water supply.
(b) Water supply.
(1) A water supply which meets the provisions of Health and Safety Code, Chapter 341, and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality's public drinking water standard, Texas Administrative Code, Title 30, Part 1, Chapter 290, Subchapter F, §§290.101 - 290.115, 290.117 - 290.119, and 290.121 and 290.122 (relating to Drinking Water Standards Governing Drinking Water Quality and Reporting Requirements for Public Water Systems), shall be available at all times in each facility.
(2) When the water supply does not meet the standards, notice shall be given to facility occupants and posted in a conspicuous location in the facility site. Approved bottle water shall be provided to the occupants.
(3) Facilities shall be connected to an existing public water supply system, if available.
(4) Adequate arrangements for provision of hot water for bathing, laundering, culinary, and dishwashing purposes shall be available in all facility sites.
(5) Facility sites shall provide water under pressure (a minimum of 20 psi and a minimum static of 35 psi) to each living arrangement and utility building.
(6) In common use arrangements, dining halls, recreation, and meeting rooms, drinking fountains shall be provided for each 100 occupants or fraction thereof and shall meet American National Standards Institute standards, "Specification for Drinking Fountains 2.4.2-1942."
(c) Excreta and liquid waste disposal.
(1) Arrangements shall be provided and maintained for effective sewage disposal. Raw or treated liquid waste shall not be discharged or allowed to accumulate on the ground surface.
(2) Arrangements for disposal of excreta and liquid waste shall be connected to a public sewer system, if available.
(3) All other disposal systems, (septic tanks, liquid waste treatment, privies, or portable toilets) shall be constructed and maintained as required by the Texas Department of Health.
(4) Portable toilet rooms not ventilated by mechanical means shall be provided with adequate screened ventilation openings.
(d) Facilities.
(1) Facilities shall be constructed in a manner to insure the protection of occupants against the elements. Facilities shall be in good repair and maintained in a sanitary condition.
(2) Facilities shall have flooring constructed of smooth finished, rigid materials and be readily cleanable. The flooring shall be located to prevent entrance of ground or surface water into the facility.
(3) In living arrangements utilized for combined cooking, eating, and sleeping purposes, no less than 100 square feet of floor space shall be provided for each occupant over 18 months of age. Rooms used for sleeping purposes only shall provide at least 50 square feet of floor space for each intended occupant.
(4) Facilities utilized by families with children shall have a separate room or partitioned sleeping area for the husband and wife. The partition shall provide privacy.
(5) In dormitory-type facilities, separate sleeping accommodations shall be provided for each sex. In family housing units, separate sleeping accommodations shall be provided for each family unit.
(6) Adequate, separate arrangements for each person or family to hang clothes and store personal effects shall be provided.
(7) The total floor area of each habitable room in a facility shall have a minimum ceiling height of seven feet.
(8) Each habitable room (not including partitioned areas) shall have at least one window or skylight opening directly to the outside. The minimum total window or skylight area, including windows and doors, shall equal at least 10% of the usable floor area. The total openable area shall equal at least 45% of the minimum window or skylight area required, except where comparable adequate ventilation is supplied by mechanical or some other method.
(9) Facilities previously used to mix, load, or store pesticides and toxic chemicals shall not be used for housing purposes.
(e) Cooking and eating arrangements.
(1) When workers or their families cook in their individual units, space shall be provided and equipped for cooking and eating. Such space shall be provided with:
(A) a cookstove with a minimum of four burners;
(B) adequate food storage shelves and a counter for food preparation;
(C) provisions for mechanical refrigeration of food at a temperature of not more than 45° F;
(D) eating arrangements (table and chairs or equivalent) commensurate with the maximum capacity of the unit; and
(E) adequate sinks with hot and cold water under pressure;
(F) adequate lighting and ventilation.
(2) When workers or their families cook and eat in a communal room or building separate from their sleeping accommodations, the room or building shall be provided with:
(A) a stove with a minimum of four burners, in a ratio of one stove to 10 persons, or one stove to two families;
(B) adequate food storage shelves and a counter for food preparation;
(C) mechanical refrigeration for food at a temperature of not more than 45° F;
(D) eating arrangements (tables and chairs or equivalent) commensurate with the intended use of the room or building;
(E) adequate lighting and ventilation; and
(F) nonabsorbent floors of easily cleanable materials.
(3) In a central mess or multifamily feeding operation, the kitchen and mess hall shall be constructed in accordance with department rules on food services sanitation, §§229.161 - 229.171 of this title (relating to Food Service Sanitation), and:
(A) shall be a size in proper proportion to the facility capacity and separate from the sleeping quarters;
(B) floors, walls, ceiling, tables, and shelves of all kitchens, dining rooms, refrigerators, and food storage rooms shall be maintained in a clean, sanitary condition;
(C) the exterior wall opening of all dining rooms shall be screened and rendered fly-tight during the period of facility operation;
(D) screen doors shall be self-closing and installed to open outward from the area to be protected.
(f) Sleeping arrangements.
(1) Sleeping arrangements (beds, metal frame cots, or bunks complete with springs, mattresses, and mattress covers) in good repair shall be provided for facility occupants. Sleeping arrangements shall be cleaned and maintained in a sanitary condition.
(2) Mattresses and mattress covers shall be laundered and sanitized between assignment to different occupants.
(3) Beds, bunks, or cots shall have a clear space of at least 12 inches from the floor. Triple-deck facilities shall be prohibited. Single beds shall be spaced not closer than 36 inches laterally or end to end. Bunk beds shall be spaced not less than 48 inches laterally or 36 inches end to end. There shall be a clear ceiling height above a mattress of not less than 36 inches. The clear space above the lower mattress of the bunk beds and the bottom of the upper bunk shall not be less than 27 inches.
(g) Heating.
(1) All living quarters and service rooms shall be provided with properly installed, operable heating equipment that maintains a temperature of at least 68 degrees Fahrenheit.
(2) All heating systems shall be fail safe in case of failure or interruption of the power or fuel source.
(3) All walls or ceilings within 18 inches of the stovepipe of a solid or liquid fuel stove shall be of fireproof material.
(4) All stoves or other sources of heat utilizing combustible fuel shall be installed to prevent fire and safety hazards. A vented metal collar shall be installed around a stovepipe, or the vent passing through a wall, ceiling, floor, or roof.
(5) All stove or other sources of heat utilizing combustible fuel shall be vented to prevent fire and safety hazards. All vents shall extend above the peak of the roof.
(6) Solid or liquid fuel stoves used in a room with wooden or other combustible flooring, there shall be a concrete slab, insulated metal sheets, or other fireproof materials on floor under each stove, extending at least 18 inches beyond the perimeter of the base of the stove.
(7) Only electric portable heaters shall be provided.
(h) Bathrooms and laundry rooms.
(1) Bathrooms in family living accommodations shall be separated from other rooms to insure privacy.
(2) Bathrooms (bathtubs, showers, lavatory sinks) and laundry rooms shall be located within 200 feet of each living arrangement.
(3) Bathrooms and laundry rooms shall be constructed in a manner conducive to good repair and maintained in a sanitary condition.
(4) Shower flooring shall be constructed of nonabsorbent, nonskid materials and shall have properly constructed floor drains.
(5) Communal bathrooms shall have bathing arrangements, handwashing arrangements, and dry dressing space for each sex separated by a solid nonabsorbent wall extending from the floor to ceiling. Communal bathrooms shall be designated "men' or "women' in English and in the language of the facility occupants, or in the universal symbols.
(6) Communal bathrooms shall have a minimum of one showerhead per 10 persons and one lavatory sink per six persons. Showerheads shall be spaced at least three feet apart to insure a minimum of nine square feet of showering space per showerhead.
(7) In all communal bathrooms separate shower stalls shall be provided.
(8) Mechanical clothes washers shall be provided in a ratio of one per 50 persons. In addition to mechanical clothes washers, one laundry tray per 100 persons shall be provided. In lieu of mechanical clothes washers, one laundry tray or tub may be provided per 25 persons.
(9) Arrangements for drying clothes shall be provided.
(i) Toilets.
(1) Toilets shall be located within 200 feet of each living arrangement. No privy shall be located within 100 feet of any living arrangement, dining room, mess hall, or kitchen.
(2) Toilets shall be constructed in a manner conducive to good repair and maintained in a sanitary condition. Privies shall be flyproof and of adequate capacity.
(3) Communal accommodations shall have toilets for each sex separated by a solid wall from floor to ceiling and shall be designated "men' or "women' in English and in the language of the facility occupants, or in universal symbols.
(4) Communal toilet rooms shall be lighted naturally or artificially by a safe type of lighting and shall be well ventilated, all outside openings shall be screened with 16 mesh material.
(5) Water closets or privy seats shall be provided in a ratio of one per 15 persons of each sex. A minimum of one for each sex shall be provided in communal accommodations. Family living accommodations containing private toilets will not be considered when establishing the number of shared toilets.
(6) Urinals may be substituted for men's toilet seats in a ratio of one urinal of 24 inches of trough-type urinals per toilet seat to a maximum of one-third of the required toilet seats.
(7) Urinals and the surrounding walls and floor shall be constructed of nonabsorbent material.
(j) Garbage and other refuse.
(1) Containers with tight fitting lids for garbage and other refuse storage shall be provided to and located within 100 feet of each living accommodation. Containers of 32 gallon capacity may be used in a ratio of one per living accommodation. Bulk type containers may be used.
(2) Containers shall be durable, in good repair, and maintained in a sanitary condition.
(3) Garbage and refuse shall be collected at least twice a week. Disposal of garbage and refuse shall be in accordance with requirements of the Texas Department of Health concerning solid waste management, Chapter 325 of this title (relating to Solid Waste Management).
(k) Electricity and lighting.
(1) All facility sites shall be provided with electricity.
(2) Each habitable room and all communal rooms and areas (laundry rooms, toilets, privies, hallways, stairways, etc.) shall contain ceiling or wall-type light fixtures. At least one wall-type electrical convenience outlet shall be provided in each individual living room.
(3) Lighting shall be provided in the yard area and pathways to communal arrangements.
(4) All wiring and lighting fixtures shall be installed and maintained in a safe condition in accordance with National Electrical Code and state and local codes.
(5) Light levels in toilet and storage rooms shall be at least 20 foot candles 30 inches from the floor. Other rooms, including kitchens and living quarters, shall be at least 30 foot candles 30 inches from the floor.
(l) Screening.
(1) All outside opening shall be protected with screening of 16 mesh or less.
(2) All screen doors shall be tight and equipped with self-closing devices.
(3) All screens shall be maintained in good repair.
(m) Insect and rodent control.
(1) Housing sites, housing units, and utility areas shall be constructed to exclude insects, rodents, and other vermin.
(2) A vector control program shall be maintained to insure effective control of all insects, rodents, and other vermin.
(3) All vector control programs shall be designed and executed to insure maximum protection of the occupants.
(n) Fire, safety, and first aid.
(1) All buildings or structures shall be maintained and used in accordance with the provisions of the state and local regulations.
(2) In one story facilities utilized by less than 10 persons, two means of escape shall be provided. One of the two required means of escape may be a readily accessible window with an openable space of not less than 24 inches by 24 inches.
(3) Central dining facilities, assembly rooms, and all sleeping quarters intended for use by 10 or more persons shall have, as alternate means of escape, at least two remotely separated doors that open to an interior hallway or to the outside.
(4) Sleeping quarters and assembly rooms located on a second story shall have a stairway, plus permanently affixed exterior ladder or a second stairway.
(5) Fire extinguishing equipment shall be provided in an accessible place located within 100 feet from each facility. Such equipment shall provide protection equal to a 2 1/2 gallon stored pressure of five gallon pump type water extinguisher.
(6) First aid supplies shall be provided and be accessible at all times. The supplies shall be equivalent to the 16 unit first aid kit recommended by the American Red Cross, and shall be provided in a ratio of one to 50 persons.
(7) Flammable or volatile liquids or materials, except those needed for household use, shall not be stored in or adjacent to rooms used for living purposes.
(8) Agricultural pesticides and toxic chemicals shall not be stored within the facility site. Any pesticide or other toxic materials, and any potentially hazardous implements or equipment, kept within 500 feet of the facility site shall be stored in a secure, locked enclosure.
Source Note: The provisions of this §265.33 adopted to be September 3, 1985, 10 TexReg 3319; amended to be effective January 1, 2005, 29 TexReg 11986