The following words and terms have the following meanings when used in this chapter, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
(1) Business day--Any day except a Saturday, a Sunday, or a national or state holiday listed in Texas Government Code §662.003(a) or (b).
(2) Case manager--The person who is responsible for case management activities in the Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS), Medically Dependent Children Program (MDCP), and Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities (DBMD) Programs.
(3) CLASS Program--Community Living Assistance and Support Services Program. A Medicaid waiver program authorized by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in accordance with §1915(c) of the Social Security Act and operated by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) under Chapter 259 of this title (relating to Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS) Program and Community First Choice (CFC) Services).
(4) Day--A calendar day, unless otherwise specified in the text. A calendar day includes Saturday, Sunday, and a national or state holiday listed in Texas Government Code §662.003(a) or (b).
(5) DBMD Program--Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities Program. A Medicaid waiver program authorized by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in accordance with §1915(c) of the Social Security Act and operated by HHSC under Chapter 260 of this title (relating to Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities (DBMD) Program and Community First Choice (CFC) Services).
(6) Facility--
(A) a nursing facility, for an individual enrolling in MDCP; or
(B) a nursing facility or an intermediate care facility for individuals with an intellectual disability or related conditions (ICF/IID), for an individual enrolling in the DBMD Program or CLASS Program.
(7) GRO--General Residential Operation. This term has the meaning set forth in Texas Human Resources Code, §42.002.
(8) HHSC--The Texas Health and Human Services Commission.
(9) HCS Program--Home and Community-based Services Program. A Medicaid waiver program authorized by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in accordance with §1915(c) of the Social Security Act and operated by HHSC under Chapter 263 of this title (relating to Home and Community-based Services (HCS) Program and Community First Choice (CFC)).
(10) HCS program provider--A person, as defined in 40 TAC §49.102 (relating to Definitions), that has a contract with HHSC to provide HCS Program services, excluding a financial management services agency.
(11) ICF/IID--Intermediate care facility for individuals with an intellectual disability or related conditions. An ICF/IID is licensed in accordance with Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 252, or certified by HHSC.
(12) Individual--A person for whom HHSC authorizes the delivery of transition assistance services (TAS).
(13) IPC--Individual plan of care.
(14) LAR--Legally authorized representative. A person authorized by law to act on behalf of another person with regard to a matter described in this chapter, including a parent, guardian, or managing conservator of a minor, or the guardian of an adult.
(15) MDCP--Medically Dependent Children Program. A Medicaid waiver program authorized by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in accordance with §1915(c) of the Social Security Act and operated by HHSC under 1 TAC §353.1155 (relating to Medically Dependent Children Program).
(16) Nursing facility--A facility licensed in accordance with Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 242.
(17) Relative--A person related to another person within the fourth degree of consanguinity or within the second degree of affinity. A more detailed explanation of this term is included in the Transition Assistance Services Orientation Handbook.
(18) TAC--Texas Administrative Code. A compilation of state agency rules published by the Texas State Secretary of State in accordance with Texas Government Code, Chapter 2002, Subchapter C.
(19) TAS--Transition assistance services.
(20) TAS provider--A person, as defined in 40 TAC §49.102, that has a contract with HHSC to provide TAS in accordance with 40 TAC Chapter 49 (relating to Contracting for Community Services).
Source Note: The provisions of this §272.3 adopted to be effective August 31, 2004, 29 TexReg 8381; amended to be effective July 1, 2015, 40 TexReg 2786; transferred effective July 1, 2021, as published in the June 11, 2021 issue of the Texas Register, 46 TexReg 3619; amended to be effective March 1, 2023, 48 TexReg 1129