The following words and terms, when used in this subchapter head, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
(1) Applicant--A private entity or corporation, authorized by law to construct a toll project, proposing to construct a project which will connect to a road, bridge, or highway included in the state highway system.
(2) Commission--The Texas Transportation Commission.
(3) Department--The Texas Department of Transportation.
(4) Design manuals--The latest editions of the:
(A) operations and procedures manual of the design division;
(B) operation and planning manual of the design division;
(C) hydraulic manual of the design division;
(D) Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices;
(E) standard highway sign designs for Texas; and
(F) traffic control standard sheets booklet of the traffic operations division.
(5) Metropolitan planning organization--An organization designated in certain urbanized areas to carry out the transportation planning process as required by 23 United States Code §134.
(6) Project--A road or highway, bridge, ferry, or similar project other than those constructed, operated, maintained, and/or financed under Transportation Code, Chapter 361, or toll road authorities created by counties, and that is financed in whole or in part through the issuance of revenue bonds payable from toll revenues collected from users.
Source Note: The provisions of this §27.31 adopted to be effective February 21, 1996, 21 TexReg 977.