Section 1. This Act is applicable to counties with a population of not less than ten thousand, three hundred and thirty-nine (10,339) and not more than ten thousand, five hundred and forty (10,540), according to the latest Federal Census. Any county coming within the terms of this Act shall have a County Unit System of Education to the extent specified in this Act. For the purpose of levying, assessing, and collecting a school maintenance tax and for such further administrative functions as are set forth herein, the territory of each of such counties is hereby created into a school district, hereinafter described as the county-wide district, the taxing power to be exercised as hereinafter provided. There shall be exercised in and for the entire territory of each of such counties, to the extent in this Act prescribed, the taxing power conferred on school districts by Article VII, Section 3 of the Constitution, but such taxing power shall not be exercised until and unless authorized by a majority of the qualified property taxpaying voters residing therein at an election to be held for that purpose as hereinafter provided. Whenever a petition is presented to the County Judge of any such county, signed by at least one hundred (100) qualified property taxpaying voters residing therein, asking that an election be ordered for the purpose of determining whether or not a maintenance tax shall be levied, assessed, and collected on all taxable property within said county for the maintenance of public schools therein, not exceeding Twenty-five (25) Cents on the one hundred dollars of assessed valuation of taxable property, it shall be the duty of the County Judge, immediately, to order an election to be held within said county to detemine said question. Notice of said election shall be given by publishing a copy of the election order in a newspaper of general circulation in said county once each week for at least two (2) weeks, the date of the first publication to be not less than twenty (20) days prior to the date fixed for holding said election. Further notice shall be given by the posting of a copy of said election notice within the boundaries of each independent and each common school district, and one copy of said notice shall be posted at the courthouse door. Said notice shall be posted at least twenty (20) days prior to the date fixed for said election. Except as otherwise provided herein, the manner of holding said election shall be controlled by the General Election Laws of the State, and only resident, qualified property taxpaying voters shall be permitted to vote at said election. Said election shall be held at the usual voting places in the several election precincts of such county. Said election returns shall be made and delivered to the County Judge and shall be canvassed by the Commissioners Court of such county at its next regular or special meeting following said election. A majority vote of those voting at said election shall be sufficient to carry said election. The result of said election shall be recorded in the Minutes of the Commissioners Court and certified by the County Clerk and Ex Officio Clerk of the Commissioners Court to the County Superintendent or Ex Officio Superintendent of said county.
Sec. 2. In event said maintenance tax is adopted at such election, after the result of the election has been certified to the County Superintendent, he shall make a permanent record of such certificate and shall send a certified copy of same to the State Department of Education at Austin, Texas, for its information and guidance.
Sec. 3. As soon as the Commissioners Court of such county has determined the total of the assessed value of taxable property according to the value fixed by the Board of Equalization, which values shall be the same as those fixed for State and county taxation purposes, subject thereafter to ordinary corrections, it shall then perform the following duties:
(a) determine the estimated total receipts from the levying and collecting of said Twenty-five (25) Cents tax on the property in the county-wide district according to such valuation;
(b) to determine the estimated amount of money apportionable to each scholastic on the basis of equal per capita distribution according to the then current census of scholastics for the several districts;
(c) to determine the estimated amount of such money available for each common and independent school district according to such per capita distribution;
(d) to cause the ex officio Clerk of such Court to communicate a copy of the order fixing the estimated amount for each independent school district to the president thereof and for each common school district to the County Superintendent or ex officio County Superintendent of such county.
Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the Commissioners Court at the time other taxes are levied in the county to levy a tax under this law of Twenty-five (25) Cents on the one hundred dollars valuation in said county for that year. Such taxes shall be assessed by the Tax Assessor and collected by the Tax Collector as other taxes are assessed and collected. The money collected from said Twenty-five (25) Cents tax shall be distributed to the various school districts in such county as follows:
All districts in the county shall receive the same amount of money for each scholastic, for the maintenance of schools in such district. No part of the moneys realized from said county-wide maintenance tax shall be used to pay any present or future bond issues or interest thereon. The Tax Collector shall, each month, apportion to each district the pro rata part of the taxes collected and dispose of same as hereinafter provided. The valuations fixed by the County Board of Equalization for State and county taxation purposes shall be used in computing said taxes and in levying and collecting the same. The budget officer of each school district in said county as provided by Statute, and the trustees of each of said districts, after receiving the notice of the estimate of the Commissioners Court as herein provided for, and the notice of the State apportionment of public school funds to said district, shall proceed to make and approve the budget for their respective districts as provided by Acts 1931, Forty-second Legislature, Regular Session, page 339, Chapter 206.
Sec. 5. As and when said taxes are collected by the Tax Collector of the county, he shall make monthly settlements with the independent school districts situated in such county, said moneys to be received and held by said independent school districts and protected in accordance with the existing depository laws. And the Tax Collector shall place to the credit of the common school districts in such county such moneys as are apportioned to them, which shall be protected as provided by the existing depository laws.
Sec. 6. The several independent school districts and common school districts in such county shall continue to have authority to levy, assess, and collect the maintenance taxes theretofore authorized by the property taxpayers in said respective districts, subject to the restrictions that after said county-wide maintenance tax election has been carried and while said tax is in full force and operation, said respective independent school districts and common school districts shall not thereafter levy, assess, and collect any special tax for maintenance of schools, except in instances wherein the apportionment made by the Commissioners Court, together with the apportionment made by the State of Texas, produces an amount inadequate to meet the approved budget of such district, and in that event, such tax shall be levied in an amount to meet such deficit, due allowance to be made for delinquencies and for costs of collection. This law shall not affect the right and duty of said respective school districts to levy, assess, and collect taxes within their respective districts for the payment of principal and interest on bonded indebtedness of such districts. The respective districts shall continue to levy, assess, and collect taxes sufficient to pay principal of and interest on their bonds. Provided however, that nothing in this Act shall prevent the proper authorities from collecting and enforcing, for the benefit of the respective districts, any maintenance taxes levied before this law becomes effective.
Sec. 7. Until and unless said county-wide maintenance tax has been authorized at an election held in such county, the duties and powers of the Commissioners Court shall not be considered as having been changed, altered, or enlarged by this Act.
Sec. 8. This Act shall not have the effect of changing any duties imposed on or powers conferred on the trustees of school districts situated in the counties covered by this Act, unless and except as expressly provided herein, it being the intention of this law that said respective Boards of Trustees shall continue to administer their lawful duties and powers except as to the levying, assessing, and collecting of maintenance taxes, and the powers and duties as to levying, assessing, and collecting maintenance taxes shall remain unaffected except as modified as provided herein.
Sec. 9. This Act shall be considered as cumulative of other laws applicable to the counties affected, but in event any provision of this law is inconsistent with any other applicable law, the provisions of this Act shall prevail as to the counties affected. All laws and parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this Act, in so far as they apply to the counties affected, are hereby repealed.
Sec. 10. The Commissioners Court shall have advisory superivision over the schools in the county to the extent that it shall be the duty of the Court to render its advice on all administrative matters submitted by the several Boards of Trustees.
Sec. 11. In event any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Act shall be held to be unconstitutional, such holding shall not affect the other provisions of the Act no so invalidated.
Acts 1941, 47th Leg., p. 400, ch. 233.