(a) Applicability. This subchapter applies only to a department toll project that will be developed under a concession agreement, and for which:
(1) funds allocated to a metropolitan planning organization are expected to be used to pay for project costs;
(2) local funds are expected to be used to pay for project costs; or
(3) property of a city or county is expected to be used as project right of way or a city or county is expected to pay for the acquisition of right of way for the project.
(b) Formation and membership of committee. For a project subject to Transportation Code, Chapter 373, Subchapter B, the committee shall be formed after the department exercises its option under that subchapter to develop, finance, construct, and operate the project. The membership of a committee shall be determined after the commission authorizes the department to initiate a procurement for a toll project that provides for the potential delivery of the project through a concession agreement. To be eligible to serve as a committee member, a person must be an elected official or a full-time employee of the represented entity. A committee consists of the following members:
(1) one member appointed by each metropolitan planning organization within whose boundaries all or part of the proposed project may be located;
(2) one member appointed by each local toll project entity within whose boundaries all or part of the proposed project may be located;
(3) one member appointed by each city and county which has:
(A) provided local funds to pay for right of way acquisition or other project costs or to acquire right of way for the project, or has provided property of the city or county for use as project right of way; or
(B) submitted to the department an order or resolution adopted by the city council or county commissioners court committing local funds or property to the project; and
(4) one member appointed by the executive director to represent the department.
(c) Officers. The committee will, subject to the concurrence of the commission, elect a chair and vice-chair by majority vote of the members of the committee.
(d) Duties. A committee established under this subchapter shall submit a report to the executive director before the date the department issues a request for qualifications for the toll project, except for a project for which the department and a local toll project entity have agreed on the terms and conditions for the project under Transportation Code, §228.0111, or for which a local toll project entity has waived its option to develop, construct, and operate the project, in which case the report shall be submitted before the date the department issues a request for proposals for the project. If the project is subject to a market valuation agreement, market valuation waiver agreement, or similar agreement entered into under Transportation Code, §228.0111, or a toll project agreement entered into under Transportation Code, §373.006, the report may not include determinations that are inconsistent with the provisions of the agreement that relate to the determinations to be included in the report. A report shall contain the following determinations:
(1) the distribution of project financial risk, which is the allocation of revenue risk for a toll project between the department and the private entity with which the department enters into an agreement for the project;
(2) the method of financing for the project, which is a determination of whether the project should be funded with private or public funding or a combination of private and public funding; and
(3) unless the project is subject to a regional tolling policy, the project's tolling structure and methodology.
(e) Failure to submit report. All members of a committee will utilize their best efforts to support the generation of a report. If a committee does not submit a report by the date the department is scheduled to issue a request for qualifications or request for proposals, as applicable, for a project, the department will use any business terms applicable to the project that have been adopted by the metropolitan planning organization and that relate to the determinations to be included in the report.
(f) Meetings.
(1) Meeting requirements. The department's Office of General Counsel will submit to the Office of the Secretary of State notice of a meeting of the committee at least eight days before the date of the meeting. The notice will provide the date, time, place, and purpose of the meeting. A meeting of a committee will be open to the public. A committee will follow the agenda set for each meeting under paragraph (2) of this subsection.
(2) Scheduling of meetings. Meeting dates, times, places, and agendas will be set by the office designated under subsection (g) of this section. Any committee member may suggest an agenda item, provided that the agenda item must be approved by the chair of the committee and the department. A committee's report may only discuss items that are within the committee's jurisdiction. The office designated under subsection (g) of this section will provide notice of the time, date, place, and purpose of meetings to the members, by mail, email, telephone, or any combination of the three, at least eight calendar days before each meeting. All meetings must take place in Texas and must be held in a location that is readily accessible to the general public.
(3) Committee action. A quorum of the committee is one half or more of the number of members appointed to the committee. A committee may act only by majority vote of the members present at the meeting and voting.
(4) Record. Minutes of all committee meetings shall be prepared and filed with the executive director. The complete proceedings of all committee meetings must also be recorded by electronic means.
(5) Public information. All minutes, transcripts, and other records of the committees are records of the department and as such, are subject to disclosure under the provisions of Government Code, Chapter 552.
(g) Administrative support. For each committee, the executive director will designate an office or division of the department that will be responsible for providing any necessary administrative support essential to the functions of the committee. The department will provide project information and other information to the committee to assist the committee in carrying out its duties, including the project procurement schedule.
(h) Duration. After a committee submits the report described in subsection (d) of this section, the committee ceases to exist. The department may, in its discretion, reconvene a committee if changed circumstances may result in a change in the committee's determinations.
Source Note: The provisions of this §27.92 adopted to be effective September 15, 2011, 36 TexReg 5951; amended to be effective July 19, 2012, 37 TexReg 5344; amended to be effective September 14, 2016, 41 TexReg 7135