(a) The purpose of this section is to establish guidelines and criteria on the eligibility of persons with criminal backgrounds to obtain a license or registration from the board and on the disciplinary actions taken by the board. The section applies to all criminal convictions and to all deferred adjudication community supervisions or deferred dispositions, as authorized by the Act, for all types of licenses and registrations.
(b) The board may suspend, revoke, or impose other authorized disciplinary action on a current license or registration, disqualify a person from receiving a license or registration, or deny to a person the opportunity to be examined for a license or registration because of a person's conviction or deferred adjudication of a crime that serves as a ground for discipline under the Act, and that the board determines directly relates to the duties and responsibilities of a licensee, a registrant, or of an owner of a pharmacy. This subsection applies to persons who are not imprisoned at the time the board considers the conviction or deferred adjudication.
(c) The board shall revoke a license or registration upon the imprisonment of the licensee, the registrant, or the owner of a pharmacy following a felony conviction or deferred adjudication, or revocation of felony community supervision, parole, or mandatory supervision.
(d) A person in prison is not eligible for a license or registration.
(e) An applicant for a license or registration from the board shall disclose in writing to the board any conviction or deferred adjudication against him or her at the time of application. A current licensee or registrant shall disclose in writing to the board any conviction or deferred adjudication against him or her at the time of renewal.
(f) The board shall by rule determine and list in this section which criminal offenses directly relate to the occupation of a licensee or registrant, or the operation of a pharmacy. For all other offenses not listed in this section, in considering whether a criminal conviction or deferred adjudication directly relates to the occupation of a licensee or a registrant, or the operation of a pharmacy, the board shall consider:
(1) the nature and seriousness of the crime;
(2) the relationship of the crime to the purposes for requiring a license or registration to engage in the occupation of the licensee or registrant, or the operation of a pharmacy;
(3) the extent to which a license or registration might afford the licensee or registrant an opportunity to repeat the criminal activity in which the person had been involved; and
(4) the relationship of the crime to the ability, capacity, or fitness required to perform the duties and discharge the responsibilities of the licensee or registrant.
(g) The board has the authority to impose disciplinary action as authorized by the Act, for those criminal offenses that provide grounds for discipline under the Act. In reaching a decision regarding the severity of the disciplinary sanction to impose on a license or registration, the board shall, in its discretion and unless otherwise specified in §281.64 of this title (relating to Sanctions for Criminal Offenses), also determine the person's fitness to perform the duties and discharge the responsibilities of a licensee or registrant by evaluating and balancing these factors in the following priority with the first being the highest priority:
(1) the extent and nature of the person's past criminal activity;
(2) the amount of time that has elapsed since the person's last criminal activity;
(3) the person's rehabilitation or rehabilitative effort while incarcerated or following release as corroborated by extrinsic evidence;
(4) the age of the person at the time of the commission of the crime, if younger than 21 years of age at the time of the crime;
(5) the conduct and work activity of the person prior to and following the criminal activity; and
(6) other evidence of the person's present fitness, including letters of recommendation from:
(A) prosecution, law enforcement, and correctional officers who prosecuted, arrested, or had custodial responsibility for the person;
(B) the sheriff and chief of police in the community where the person resides; and
(C) any other persons in contact with the person.
(h) In order to establish the factors in subsection (g) of this section, a person with a conviction or deferred adjudication shall:
(1) to the extent possible, secure and provide to the board the recommendations of the prosecution, law enforcement, and correctional authorities specified in subsection (g)(6) of this section;
(2) cooperate with the board by providing the information required by this section, including proof that he or she has:
(A) maintained a record of steady employment, as evidenced by salary stubs, income tax records or other employment records for the time since the conviction or deferred adjudication and/or release from imprisonment;
(B) supported his or her dependents, as evidenced by salary stubs, income tax records or other employment records for the time since the conviction or deferred adjudication and/or release from imprisonment, and a recommendation from the spouse or either parent;
(C) maintained a record of good conduct as evidenced by recommendations, absence of other criminal activity or documentation of community service since conviction or deferred adjudication;
(D) paid all outstanding court costs, supervision fees, fines, and restitution as may have been ordered in all criminal cases in which he or she has been convicted, as evidenced by certified copies of a court release or other documentation from the court system that all monies have been paid; and
(E) obtained appropriate treatment and/or counseling, if applicable.
(i) The board has determined that the following crimes directly relate to duties and responsibilities of board licensees or registrants. The commission of each indicates an inability or a tendency for the person to be unable to perform or to be unfit for licensure or registration, because commission of such crimes indicates a lack of integrity and respect for one's fellow human being and the community at large. Even if the commission of these crimes did not occur while the licensee or registrant was on-duty or employed at a pharmacy, the board has determined that the crimes directly relate to the practice of pharmacy based on a lack of integrity and good moral character exhibited by the commission of the crimes. In addition, the direct relationship to a license or registration is presumed when any crime occurs in connection with the practice of pharmacy or the operation of a pharmacy. The crimes are as follows:
(1) practicing or operating a pharmacy without a license or registration and other violations of the Pharmacy Act;
(2) deceptive business practices under the Texas Penal Code;
(3) Medicare or Medicaid fraud;
(4) a misdemeanor or felony offense under the Texas Penal Code involving:
(A) murder;
(B) assault;
(C) burglary;
(D) robbery;
(E) theft;
(F) sexual assault;
(G) injury to a child;
(H) injury to an elderly person;
(I) child abuse or neglect;
(J) tampering with a governmental record;
(K) forgery;
(L) perjury;
(M) failure to report abuse;
(N) bribery;
(O) harassment;
(P) insurance claim fraud;
(Q) driving while intoxicated;
(R) solicitation of professional employment under the Penal Code §38.12(d) or Occupations Code, Chapter 102;
(S) mail fraud; or
(T) any criminal offense which requires the individual to register with the Department of Public Safety as a sex offender under Chapter 62, Code of Criminal Procedure.
(5) any crime of moral turpitude;
(6) a misdemeanor or felony offense under Chapters 431 and 481 through 486, Health and Safety Code and the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970; or
(7) other misdemeanors or felonies which serve as grounds for discipline under the Act, including violations of the Penal Code, Titles 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, which indicate an inability or tendency for the person to be unable to perform as a licensee or registrant, or to be unfit for licensure or registration, if action by the board will promote the intent of the Pharmacy Act, board rules including this chapter, and Occupations Code, Chapter 53.
Source Note: The provisions of this §281.63 adopted to be effective September 3, 2006, 31 TexReg 6722; amended to be effective March 25, 2007, 32 TexReg 1508; amended to be effective June 8, 2008, 33 TexReg 4304; amended to be effective September 7, 2008, 33 TexReg 7218; amended to be effective December 7, 2010, 35 TexReg 10689; amended to be effective September 8, 2013, 38 TexReg 5721