(a) Expired less than 90 days. If a person's license has been expired for 90 days or less, the person may renew the license by:
(1) paying to the board a renewal fee that is equal to one and one-half times the renewal fee for the license as specified in §295.5 of this title (relating to Pharmacist License Renewal Fees); and
(2) reporting completion of the required number of contact hours of approved continuing education.
(b) Expired more than 90 days. If a person's license has been expired for more than 90 days but less than one year, the person may renew the license by:
(1) paying to the board all unpaid renewal fees and a renewal fee that is equal to two times the renewal fee for the license as specified in §295.5 of this title; and
(2) reporting completion of the required number of contact hours of approved continuing education.
(c) Expired for one year or more. If a person's license to practice pharmacy in Texas has been expired for one year or more, the person may not renew the license and shall apply for a new license.
(d) Reexamination. The board may issue a new license to a person if the person submits to reexamination and complies with the requirements and procedures for obtaining an original license as specified in §283.7 of this title (relating to Examination Requirements).
(e) Alternatives to reexamination. In lieu of reexamination as specified in subsection (d) of this section, the board may issue a license to a person whose license has been expired for one year or more, if the person meets the requirements of subsection (f) or (g) of this section and has not had a license granted by any other state suspended, revoked, canceled, surrendered, or otherwise restricted for any reason.
(f) Persons practicing pharmacy in another state. Beginning January 1, 2002, the board may issue a license to a person who was licensed as a pharmacist in Texas, moved to another state, is licensed in the other state, and has been engaged in the practice of pharmacy in the other state for the two years preceding the application if the person meets the following requirements:
(1) makes application for licensure to the board on a form prescribed by the board;
(2) submits to the board certification that the applicant:
(A) is licensed as a pharmacist in another state and that such license is in good standing;
(B) has been continuously employed as a pharmacist in that state for the two years preceding the application; and
(C) has completed a minimum of 30 contact hours of approved continuing education during the preceding two license years;
(3) passes the Texas Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination with a grade of 75 (the passing grade may be used for the purpose of licensure for a period of two years from the date of passing the examination); and
(4) pays to the board the examination fee set out in §283.9 of this title (relating to Fee Requirements for Licensure by Examination, Score Transfer and Reciprocity).
(g) Persons not practicing pharmacy. Beginning January 1, 2002, the board may issue a license to a person who was licensed as a pharmacist in this state, but has not practiced pharmacy for the two years preceding application for licensure under the following conditions.
(1) The person's Texas pharmacist license has been expired for less than 10 years, the person shall:
(A) make application for licensure to the board on a form prescribed by the board;
(B) pass the Texas Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination with a grade of 75 (the passing grade may be used for the purpose of licensure for a period of two years from the date of passing the examination);
(C) pay the examination fee set out in §283.9 of this title; and
(D) complete approved continuing education and/or board-approved internship requirements according to the following schedule:
(i) if the Texas pharmacist license has been expired for more than one year but less than two years, the applicant shall complete 15 contact hours of approved continuing education;
(ii) if the Texas pharmacist license has been expired for more than two years but less than three years, the applicant shall complete 30 contact hours of approved continuing education;
(iii) if the Texas pharmacist license has been expired for more than three years but less than four years, the applicant shall complete 45 contact hours of approved continuing education;
(iv) if the Texas pharmacist license has been expired for more than four years but less than five years, the applicant shall complete 45 contact hours of approved continuing education and 500 hours of internship in a board-approved internship program;
(v) if the Texas pharmacist license has been expired for more than five years but less than six years, the applicant shall complete 45 contact hours of approved continuing education and 700 hours of internship in a board-approved internship program;
(vi) if the Texas pharmacist license has been expired for more than six years but less than seven years, the applicant shall complete 45 contact hours of approved continuing education and 900 hours of internship in a board-approved internship program;
(vii) if the Texas pharmacist license has been expired for more than seven years but less than eight years, the applicant shall complete 45 contact hours of approved continuing education and 1,100 hours of internship in a board-approved internship program;
(viii) if the Texas pharmacist license has been expired for more than eight years but less than nine years, the applicant shall complete 45 contact hours of approved continuing education and 1,300 hours of internship in a board-approved internship program; and
(ix) if the Texas pharmacist license has been expired for more than nine years but less than 10 years, the applicant shall complete 45 contact hours of approved continuing education and 1,500 hours of internship in a board-approved internship program.
(2) Any hours of approved continuing education earned within two years prior to the applicant successfully passing the Texas Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination may be applied towards the continuing education requirement.
(3) Any hours worked as a licensed pharmacist in another state during the two years prior to the applicant successfully passing the Texas Pharmacy Jurisprudence examination may be applied towards the internship requirement.
(4) All requirements for licensure shall be completed within two years from the date the applicant successfully passes the Texas Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination.
(5) If the person's Texas pharmacist license has been expired for 10 years or more, the applicant shall apply for licensure by examination as specified in §283.7 of this title and §283.4 of this title (relating to Internship Requirements).
Source Note: The provisions of this §283.10 adopted to be effective February 17, 1988, 13 TexReg 610; amended to be effective March 19, 1990, 15 TexReg 1234; amended to be effective January 4, 1994, 18 TexReg 9853; amended to be effective October 18, 1996, 21 TexReg 9832; amended to be effective December 31, 2001, 26 TexReg 10869; amended to be effective March 6, 2006, 31 TexReg 1440; amended to be effective March 13, 2012, 37 TexReg 1705