(a) Tier 1 public notification requirements for acute violations or situations with significant potential to have serious adverse effects on human health as a result of short-term exposure which require a Tier 1 public notice as described in this subsection. The owner or operator of a public water system must notify persons served by their system of any maximum contaminant level (MCL), maximum residual disinfectant level (MRDL), treatment technique violation, or other situation that poses an acute threat to public health. Each notice required by this section must meet the requirements of subsection (d) of this section.
(1) Situations that pose an acute threat to public health include:
(A) a violation of the Escherichia coli (E. coli) MCL as described in §290.109(g)(1)(A) - (D) of this title (relating to Microbial Contaminants);
(B) an acute turbidity issue at a treatment plant that is treating surface water or groundwater under the direct influence of surface water, specifically:
(i) a combined filter effluent turbidity level above 5.0 nephelometric turbidity units (NTU);
(ii) a combined filter effluent turbidity level above 1.0 NTU at a treatment plant using membrane filters;
(iii) a combined filter effluent turbidity level above 1.0 NTU at a plant using other than membrane filters at the discretion of the executive director after consultation with the system;
(iv) failure of a system with treatment other than membrane filters to consult with the executive director within 24 hours after a combined filter effluent reading of 1.0 NTU;
(v) failure of a system to meet turbidity level, monitoring, and/or reporting requirements as described in §290.111(i)(3) of this title (relating to Surface Water Treatment); or
(vi) failure of a system to meet treatment, turbidity level, monitoring, and/or reporting requirements as described in §290.111(i)(4) of this title;
(C) a violation of the MCL for nitrate or nitrite as defined in §290.106(f)(2) of this title (relating to Inorganic Contaminants);
(D) a violation of the acute MRDL for chlorine dioxide as defined in §290.110(f)(5)(A) or (B) of this title (relating to Disinfectant Residuals);
(E) occurrence of a waterborne disease outbreak;
(F) Detection of E. coli or other fecal indicators in source water samples as specified in §290.109(h)(2) of this title, which requires a public notice to be issued within 24 hours of notification of the positive sample;
(G) other situations that have the potential to have serious adverse effects on health as a result of short-term exposure; and
(H) at the discretion of the executive director, other situations may require a Tier 1 public notice based on a threat to public health.
(2) The initial Tier 1 acute public notice and/or boil water notice required by this subsection shall be issued as soon as possible, but in no case later than 24 hours after the violation or situation is identified. The initial public notice for an acute violation or situation shall be issued in one or more of the following manners that are reasonably calculated to reach persons served by the public water system within the required time period.
(A) The owner or operator of a public water system with an acute microbiological or turbidity violation as described in paragraph (1)(A) or (B) of this subsection shall include a boil water notice issued in accordance with the requirements of §290.46(q) of this title (relating to Minimum Acceptable Operating Practices for Public Drinking Water Systems). Public water systems are not required to issue a boil water notice under the conditions as referenced in paragraph (1)(B)(vi) of this subsection, unless required at the discretion of the executive director in accordance with §290.46(q)(5) of this title.
(B) The owner or operator of a community water system shall furnish a copy of the notice to the radio and television stations serving the area served by the public water system.
(C) The owner or operator of a community water system shall publish the notice in a daily newspaper of general circulation in the area served by the system. If the area is not served by a daily newspaper of general circulation, notice shall instead be issued by direct delivery or by continuous posting in conspicuous places within the area served by the system. Other methods of delivery may include electronic delivery or alert systems (e.g., reverse 911).
(D) The owner or operator of a noncommunity water system shall issue the notice by direct delivery or by continuously posting the notice in conspicuous places within the area served by the water system. Other methods of delivery may include electronic delivery or alert systems (e.g., reverse 911).
(E) If notice is provided by posting, the posting must remain in place for as long as the violation or situation exists or seven days, whichever is longer.
(3) The owner or operator of a water system required to issue an initial notice for an acute MCL or treatment technique violation shall issue additional notices. The additional public notices for acute violations shall be issued in the following manner.
(A) Not later than 45 days after the violation, the owner or operator of a community water system shall notify persons served by the system using mail (by direct mail or with the water bill) or hand delivery. The executive director may waive mail or hand delivery if it is determined that the violation was corrected within the 45-day period. The executive director must make the waiver in writing and within the 45-day period.
(B) The owner or operator of a community water system must issue a notice at least once every three months by mail delivery (by direct mail or with the water bill) or by hand delivery, for as long as the violation exists.
(C) If the owner or operator of a noncommunity water system issued the initial notice by continuous posting, posting must continue for as long as the violation exists and in no case less than seven days. If the owner or operator of a noncommunity water system issued the initial notice by direct delivery, notice by direct delivery must be repeated at least every three months for as long as the violation exists.
(4) Copies of all notifications required under this subsection must be submitted to the executive director within ten days of its distribution.
(b) Tier 2 public notification requirements for other MCL, MRDL, or treatment technique violations and for variance and exemption violations which are violations and situations with potential to have serious adverse effects on human health, as defined in this subsection. The owner or operator of a public water system must notify persons served by their system of any MCL, MRDL, or treatment technique violation other than those described in subsection (a)(1) of this section and of any violation involving a variance or exemption requirement. Each notice required by this section must meet the requirements of subsection (d) of this section.
(1) Violations that require notification under this subsection include:
(A) any violation of an MCL, MRDL, or treatment technique not listed under subsection (a) of this section;
(B) failure to comply with the requirements of any variance or exemption granted under §290.102(d) of this title (relating to General Applicability);
(C) failure for a groundwater system to take corrective action, including uncorrected significant deficiencies, or failure to maintain at least 4-log treatment of viruses (using inactivation, removal, or a combination of 4-log virus inactivation and removal approved by the executive director) before or at the first customer under §290.116 of this title (relating to Groundwater Corrective Actions and Treatment Techniques);
(D) failure to perform any three months of raw surface water monitoring as required by §290.111(b) of this title or request bin classification from the executive director under §290.111(c)(3)(A) of this title;
(E) other violations or situations deemed by the executive director to have significant potential to have serious adverse effects on human health as a result of short-term exposure may require a Tier 1 public notice as described in subsection (a)(2) of this section; or
(F) failure of a public water system to conduct Level 1 assessment(s) or Level 2 assessment(s) or failure to complete corrective/expedited action(s) as required by §290.109 of this title or failure of a system to conduct seasonal start-up procedures as required by §290.109 of this title.
(2) The initial Tier 2 public notice for any violation, situation, or significant deficiency identified in this subsection must be issued as soon as possible, but in no case later than 30 days after the violation is identified. The initial public notice shall be issued in the following manner.