(a) Pharmacist. Every pharmacist who practices pharmacy other than in a licensed pharmacy shall provide notification to consumers of the name, mailing address, internet site address and telephone number of the board for the purpose of directing complaints concerning the practice of pharmacy to the board. Such notification shall be provided as follows.
(1) If the pharmacist maintains an office and provides pharmacy services to patients who come to the office, the pharmacist shall either:
(A) post in a prominent place that is in clear public view where pharmacy services are provided:
(i) a sign which notifies the consumer that complaints concerning the practice of pharmacy may be filed with the board and list the board's mailing address, internet site address, telephone number, and a toll-free telephone number for filing complaints; or
(ii) an electronic messaging system in a type size no smaller than ten-point Times Roman which notifies the consumer that complaints concerning the practice of pharmacy may be filed with the board and list the board's name, mailing address, internet site address, and a toll-free number for filing complaints; or
(B) provide to the patient each time pharmacy services are provided a written notification in type size no smaller than ten-point Times Roman which states the following: "Complaints concerning the practice of pharmacy may be filed with the Texas State Board of Pharmacy at: (list the mailing address, internet site address, telephone number of the board, and a toll-free telephone number for filing complaints)."
(2) If the pharmacist provides pharmacy services to patients not at the pharmacist's office, the pharmacist shall provide to the patient each time pharmacy services are provided, a written notification in type size no smaller than ten-point Times Roman which states the following: "Complaints concerning the practice of pharmacy may be filed with the Texas State Board of Pharmacy at: (list the mailing address, telephone number of the board, internet site address, and a toll-free telephone number for filing complaints)." Such notification shall be included:
(A) in each written contract for pharmacist services; or
(B) on each bill for service provided by the pharmacist.
(3) The provisions of this section do not apply to prescriptions for patients in facilities where drugs are administered to patients by a person required to do so by the laws of the state (i.e., nursing homes).
(b) Texas State Board of Pharmacy. On or before January 1, 2005, the board shall establish a pharmacist profile system as specified in §2054.2606, Government Code.
(1) The board shall make the pharmacist profiles available to the public on the agency's internet site.
(2) A pharmacist profile shall contain at least the following information:
(A) pharmacist's name;
(B) pharmacist's license number, licensure status, and expiration date of the license;
(C) name, address, telephone number, and license number of all Texas pharmacies where the pharmacist works;
(D) the number of years the person has practiced in Texas;
(E) professional pharmacy degree held by the licensee, the year it was received, and the name of the institution that awarded the degree;
(F) whether the pharmacist is preceptor;
(G) any speciality certification held by the pharmacist; and
(H) whether the pharmacist has had prior disciplinary action by the board.
(3) The board shall gather this information on initial licensing and update the information in conjunction with the license renewal for the pharmacist.
Source Note: The provisions of this §295.11 adopted to be effective April 1, 1994, 19 TexReg 1829; amended to be effective December 19, 2001, 26 TexReg 10312; amended to be effective September 16, 2018, 43 TexReg 5805