(a) For an application for a permit pursuant to Texas Water Code (TWC), §11.121, or for an amendment to a TWC, §11.121, permit, a certified filing, or a certificate of adjudication pursuant to TWC, §11.122, and §295.158(b) of this title (relating to Notice of Amendments to Water Rights), the applicant shall cause the notice issued by the chief clerk to be published in a newspaper of general circulation within the section of the state where the source of water is located.
(b) For an application for a permit pursuant to TWC, §11.143, or for an amendment pursuant to TWC, §11.122, to a TWC, §11.143, permit, or a certificate of adjudication which authorizes diversions from a reservoir which is exempted under TWC, §11.142, in which the applicant proposes to use groundwater from a well located within a groundwater conservation district as an alternative source of water, the applicant shall cause the notice issued by the chief clerk to be published in a newspaper of general circulation within each county in which the groundwater conservation district is located.
(c) The date of publication shall be on or before the date of publication directed by the chief clerk of the commission. In any event, the date of publication shall be not less than 30 days before the date set for commission consideration of the application.
Source Note: The provisions of this §295.152 adopted to be effective May 28, 1986, 11 TexReg 2326; amended to be effective August 16, 2018, 43 TexReg 5222