(a) Applicability.
(1) The conflict of interest and procurement regulations prescribed by HUD in 2 CFR Part 200 and 24 CFR Part 570 apply to all agreements, contracts, subcontracts, awards, and subawards made under the TxCDBG Program.
(2) In addition to the federal conflict of interest and procurement regulations, state and local procurement and conflict of interest laws apply.
(3) The conflict of interest restrictions and procurement requirements identified in this section shall apply to a business, utility provider, or other third party entity that benefits from or receives any assistance, directly or indirectly, under a TxCDBG grant, or that has any involvement in completing the project or meeting program objectives.
(b) Conflicts prohibited. Grant recipients shall avoid, neutralize or mitigate actual or potential conflicts of interest so as to prevent an unfair competitive advantage or the existence of conflicting roles that might impair the performance of a TxCDBG grant or impact the integrity of the procurement process. Conflicts related to the procurement of property or services are prohibited regardless of any mitigating actions.
(c) Match requirements. A grant recipient's cash match may not be obtained from any person or entity that provides contracted professional or construction-related services (other than utility providers) to implement the project.
(d) Administration and engineering services. Grant recipients may not procure the same firm or consultant to provide administration and engineering services.
(e) Conflicting laws. In the event of a conflict between federal, state and local law, the more stringent provision shall control.
Source Note: The provisions of this §30.11 adopted to be effective August 28, 2022, 47 TexReg 5099