(a) The Department shall allocate the state's annual CDBG grant and establish the funding of TxCDBG programs in accordance with the state's annual action plan, which is available on the Department's website and the HUD Exchange, HUD's online platform for program information, guidance, and tools.
(b) For funds allocated to the Community Development Fund category within the TxCDBG program, funds are allocated among the twenty-four State planning regions based on a combination of the following two formulas:
(1) Original CD formula, which takes into account the following factors:
(A) Non-Entitlement Population;
(B) Number of Persons in Poverty;
(C) Percentage of Poverty Persons;
(D) Number of Unemployed Persons; and
(E) Percentage of Unemployed Persons; and
(2) HUD formula, which is the same methodology that HUD uses to allocate CDBG funds among the States for use in non-entitlement areas. The HUD factors, percentages, and methodology are specified in 42 USC. §5306(d).
Source Note: The provisions of this §30.3 adopted to be effective August 28, 2022, 47 TexReg 5099