(a) An LMHA or LBHA staff must conduct the uniform assessment to determine which level of care the resident with MI will receive.
(b) Some of the MI specialized services for a resident with MI are described in more detail in this subsection.
(1) Skills training and development. Training provided to a resident with MI that:
(A) addresses the severe and persistent MI and symptom-related problems that interfere with the functioning of the resident with MI;
(B) provides opportunities for the resident with MI to acquire and improve skills needed to function as appropriately and independently as possible in the community; and
(C) facilitates community integration for the resident with MI and increases the length of community residency for the resident with MI.
(2) Medication training and support services. Education and guidance provided to a resident with MI and family members about the medications of the resident with MI and their possible side effects as described in §306.315 of this title (relating to Medication Training and Support Services).
(3) Psychosocial rehabilitation services. Social, educational, vocational, behavioral, and cognitive interventions provided by the therapeutic team members of a resident with MI that address deficits in their ability to develop and maintain social relationships, occupational or educational achievement, independent living skills, or housing. Psychosocial rehabilitative services include the following component services:
(A) coordination services;
(B) crisis related services;
(C) employment related services;
(D) housing related services;
(E) independent living services; and
(F) medication related services.
(4) Case management. A primarily site-based service to assist a resident with MI or LAR in gaining and coordinating access to necessary care and services appropriate to the needs of the resident with MI.
(5) Psychiatric diagnostic interview examination. An assessment of a resident with MI that includes relevant past and current medical and psychiatric information and a documented diagnosis by a licensed professional practicing within the scope of his or her license.
Source Note: The provisions of this §303.901 adopted to be effective April 15, 2024, 49 TexReg 2287