(a) Unless otherwise stated, an application for a permit to store, process, or dispose of solid waste must meet the following requirements.
(1) One original and three copies of the permit application shall be submitted on forms provided by or approved by the executive director and shall be accompanied by a like number of originals and copies of all required exhibits.
(2) Plans and specifications for the construction and operation of the facility and the staffing pattern for the facility shall be submitted, including the qualifications of all key operating personnel. Also to be submitted is the closing plan for the solid waste storage, processing, or disposal facility. The information provided must be sufficiently detailed and complete to allow the executive director to ascertain whether the facility will be constructed and operated in compliance with all pertinent state and local air, water, public health, and solid waste statutes. Also to be submitted are listings of sites owned, operated, or controlled by the applicant in the State of Texas. For purposes of this section, the terms "permit holder" and "applicant" include each member of a partnership or association and, with respect to a corporation, each officer and the owner or owners of a majority of the corporate stock, provided such partner or owner controls at least 20% of the permit holder or applicant and at least 20% of another business which operates a solid waste management facility.
(3) Any other information as the executive director may deem necessary to determine whether the facility and the operation thereof will comply with the requirements of the Texas Solid Waste Disposal Act (TSWDA) and Chapter 335 of this title (relating to Industrial Solid Waste and Municipal Hazardous Waste), shall be included, including, but not limited to, the information set forth in the TSWDA, §4(e)(13).
(4) An application for a permit, permit amendment, or permit modification to store, process, or dispose of hazardous waste is subject to the following requirements, as applicable.
(A) In the case of an application for a permit to store, process, or dispose of hazardous waste, the application shall also contain any additional information required by 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) §§270.13 - 270.27 (as amended though July 14, 2006 (71 Federal Register 40254)), except that closure cost estimates shall be prepared in accordance with 40 CFR §264.142(a)(1), (3), and (4), as well as §37.131 of this title (relating to Annual Inflation Adjustments to Closure Cost Estimates), §37.141 of this title (relating to Increase in Current Cost Estimate), and §335.178 of this title (relating to Cost Estimate for Closure).
(B) An application for a permit to store, process, or dispose of hazardous waste shall also contain financial information sufficient to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the executive director that the applicant has sufficient financial resources to operate and close the facility in a safe manner in compliance with the permit and all applicable rules as well as how an applicant intends to obtain financing for construction of the facility. Financial information necessary to satisfy this subparagraph shall be as follows:
(i) For publicly traded entities:
(I) copies of the most recent two Securities and Exchange Commission Form 10-Ks;
(II) a copy of the Securities and Exchange Commission Form 10-Q for the most recent quarter;
(III) a statement signed by an authorized signatory consistent with §305.44(a) of this title (relating to Signatories to Applications) explaining in detail how the applicant demonstrates sufficient financial resources to construct, safely operate, properly close, and provide adequate liability coverage for the facility. This statement must also address how the applicant intends to comply with the financial assurance requirements for closure, post-closure, corrective action, and liability coverage consistent with Chapter 37, Subchapter P of this title (relating to Financial Assurance for Hazardous and Nonhazardous Industrial Solid Waste Facilities); and
(IV) estimates of capital costs for expansion and/or construction if the application encompasses facility expansion, capacity expansion, or new construction; or
(ii) For privately held entities with audited financial statements for either of the most recent two fiscal years:
(I) complete copies of the audited financial statements for each of the most recent two fiscal years if audits have been performed in each year. If an audit has not been completed for one of the previous two years, a complete copy of the fiscal year end financial statement and federal tax return may be substituted in lieu of the audit not performed. The tax return must be certified by original signature of an authorized signatory as being a "true and correct copy of the return filed with the Internal Revenue Service." Financial statements shall be prepared consistent with generally accepted accounting principles and include a balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement, notes to the financial statement, and accountant's opinion letter;
(II) a complete copy of the most current quarterly financial statement prepared consistent with generally accepted accounting principles;
(III) a written statement detailing the information that would normally be found in Securities and Exchange Commission's Form 10-K including descriptions of the business and its operations; identification of any affiliated relationships; credit agreements and terms; any legal proceedings involving the applicant; contingent liabilities; and significant accounting policies;
(IV) estimates of capital costs for expansion and/or construction if the application encompasses facility expansion, capacity expansion, or new construction; and
(V) a statement signed by an authorized signatory consistent with §305.44(a) of this title explaining in detail how the applicant demonstrates sufficient financial resources to construct, safely operate, properly close, and provide adequate liability coverage for the facility. This statement must also address how the applicant intends to comply with the financial assurance requirements for closure, post-closure, corrective action, and liability coverage in accordance with Chapter 37, Subchapter P of this title; or
(iii) For privately held entities without audited financial statements for either of the two most recent fiscal years, or entities choosing not to provide the information provided in clauses (i), (ii), or (iv) of this subparagraph:
(I) a financial plan sufficiently detailed to clearly demonstrate that the applicant will be in a position to readily secure financing for construction, operation, and closure if the permit is issued. The submitted financial plan must be accompanied by original letters of opinion from two financial experts, not otherwise employed by the applicant, who have the demonstrated ability to either finance the facility or place the required financing. The opinion letters must certify that the financial plan is reasonable; certify that financing is obtainable within 180 days of final administrative and judicial disposition of the permit application; and include the time schedule contingent upon permit finality for securing the financing. Only one opinion letter from a financial expert, not otherwise employed by the applicant, is required if the letter renders a firm commitment to provide all the necessary financing;
(II) a written detail of the annual operating costs of the facility and a projected cash flow statement including the period of construction and first two years of operation. The cash flow statement must demonstrate the financial resources to meet operating costs, debt service, and financial assurance for closure, post-closure care, and liability coverage requirements. A list of the assumptions made to forecast cash flow shall also be provided;
(III) a statement addressing how the applicant intends to comply with the financial assurance requirements for closure, post-closure, corrective action, and liability coverage in accordance with Chapter 37, Subchapter P of this title; and
(IV) estimates of capital costs for expansion and/or construction if the application encompasses facility expansion, capacity expansion, or new construction; or
(iv) For applicants possessing a resolution from a governing body approving or agreeing to approve the issuance of bonds for the purpose of satisfying the financial assurance requirements of this subparagraph:
(I) a statement signed by an authorized signatory consistent with §305.44(a) of this title explaining in detail how the applicant demonstrates sufficient financial resources to construct, safely operate, properly close, and provide adequate liability coverage for the facility. This statement must also address how the applicant intends to comply with the financial assurance requirements for closure, post-closure, corrective action, and liability coverage consistent with Chapter 37, Subchapter P of this title;
(II) a certified copy of the resolution; and