(a) An individual's admission to Waco Center for Youth occurs only if the individual:
(1) is an adolescent, or an adolescent whose age at admission allows adequate time for treatment programming before reaching 18 years of age;
(2) is diagnosed as emotionally disturbed;
(3) has a history of behavior adjustment problems;
(4) needs a structured treatment program in a residential facility; and
(5) is currently receiving LMHA or LBHA services or inpatient services at an SMHF or a facility with a CPB and has been referred for admission by:
(A) the LMHA or LBHA after presentation and endorsement by the local CRCG that all appropriate community-based resources have been exhausted and Waco Center for Youth is the least restrictive environment needed, the LMHA presents the CRCG letter of recommendation with the referral;
(B) the LMHA or LBHA, following a documented LMHA or LBHA assessment that local resources have been explored and exhausted (if the full CRCG cannot convene in a timely manner); or
(C) an SMHF.
(b) Waco Center for Youth may not admit:
(1) a child under 10 years of age;
(2) an adolescent that has been found to have engaged in delinquent conduct or conduct indicating a need for supervision under the Texas Family Code, Title 3;
(3) an adolescent that is acutely psychotic, suicidal, homicidal, or seriously violent; or
(4) an adolescent that is determined by a physician to have an ID.
(c) If the Waco Center for Youth denies admission for services, Waco Center for Youth provides the adolescent's LAR written notification stating:
(1) the reason for the denial of services; and
(2) that the LAR may appeal the denial by contacting the LMHA or LBHA.
(d) If an adolescent receiving services at Waco Center for Youth requires admission to a psychiatric hospital or another setting or program, the discharge planning process includes the joint determination of the psychiatric hospital and Waco Center for Youth of the clinical appropriateness of readmission to Waco Center for Youth. With the agreement of the adolescent's treatment team, the Waco Center for Youth leadership, psychiatric hospital leadership, and the adolescent's LAR, the adolescent is prioritized for readmission to Waco Center for Youth.
Source Note: The provisions of this §306.174 adopted to be effective May 20, 2020, 45 TexReg 3301