(a) Discharge from emergency detention.
(1) Except as provided by §306.178 of this subchapter (relating to Voluntary Treatment Following Involuntary Admission) and in accordance with Texas Health and Safety Code §573.021(b) and §573.023(b), an SMHF or facility with a CPB immediately discharges an individual under emergency detention if:
(A) the SMHF administrator, administrator of the facility with a CPB, or designee concludes, based on a physician's determination, the individual no longer meets the criteria in §306.176(c)(1) of this subchapter (relating to Admission Criteria for a Facility with a Contracted Psychiatric Bed Authorized by an LMHA or LBHA or for a State Mental Health Facility for Emergency Detention); or
(B) except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection:
(i) 48 hours has elapsed from the time the individual was presented to the SMHF or facility with a CPB; and
(ii) the SMHF or facility with a CPB has not obtained a court order for further detention of the individual.
(2) In accordance with Texas Health and Safety Code §573.021(b), if the 48-hour period described in paragraph (1)(B)(i) of this subsection ends on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, or before 4:00 p.m. on the next business day after the individual was presented to the SMHF or facility with a CPB, the SMHF or facility with a CPB detains the individual until 4:00 p.m. on such business day.
(b) Discharge under order of protective custody. Except as provided by §306.178 of this subchapter and in accordance with Texas Health and Safety Code §574.028, an SMHF or facility with a CPB immediately discharges an individual under an order of protective custody if:
(1) the SMHF administrator, facility with a CPB administrator, or designee determines that, based on a physician's determination, the individual no longer meets the criteria described in Texas Health and Safety Code §574.022(a);
(2) the SMHF administrator, facility with a CPB administrator, or designee does not receive notice that the individual's continued detention is authorized after a probable cause hearing held within the time period prescribed by Texas Health and Safety Code §574.025(b);
(3) a final order for court-ordered inpatient mental health services has not been entered within the time period prescribed by Texas Health and Safety Code §574.005; or
(4) an order to release the individual is issued in accordance with Texas Health and Safety Code §574.028(a).
(c) Discharge under court-ordered inpatient mental health services.
(1) Except as provided by §306.178 of this subchapter and in accordance with Texas Health and Safety Code §574.085 and §574.086(a), an SMHF or facility with a CPB immediately discharges an individual under a temporary or extended order for inpatient mental health services if:
(A) the order for inpatient mental health services expires; or
(B) the SMHF administrator, administrator of the facility with a CPB, or designee concludes that, based on a physician's determination, the individual no longer meets the criteria for court-ordered inpatient mental health services.
(2) In accordance with Texas Health and Safety Code §574.086(b), before discharging an individual in accordance with paragraph (1) of this subsection, the SMHF administrator, administrator of the facility with a CPB, or designee considers whether the individual should receive court-ordered outpatient mental health services in accordance with a modified order described in Texas Health and Safety Code §574.061.
(3) In accordance with Texas Health and Safety Code §574.081, at the time an individual receiving court-ordered inpatient mental health services is furloughed or discharged from a facility with a CPB, a facility with a CPB is responsible for providing or paying for psychoactive medication and any other medication prescribed to counteract adverse side effects of psychoactive medication.
(A) A facility with a CPB is only required to provide or pay for these medications if funding to cover the cost of the medications is available to be paid to the facility for this purpose from HHSC.
(B) The facility with a CPB must provide or pay for the medications in an amount sufficient to last until the individual can see a physician, or provider with prescriptive authority, but the facility with a CPB is not required to provide or pay for more than a seven-day supply.
(C) The facility with a CPB must inform an individual if funding is not available to provide or pay for the medications upon furlough or discharge. If funding is not available, the individual's designated LMHA or LBHA is responsible for providing psychoactive medications as provided in §306.207(2)(A) of this division (relating to Post Discharge or Absence for Trial Placement: Contact and Implementation of the Recovery or Treatment Plan), if applicable.
(4) Individuals committed under Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Chapter 46B or 46C may only be discharged as provided by §306.202(f) of this division (relating to Special Considerations for Discharge Planning).
(d) Discharge packet. An SMHF administrator, administrator of a facility with a CPB, or designee forwards a discharge packet, as provided in §306.201(h) of this division (relating to Discharge Planning), of any individual committed under the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure to the jail and the LMHA or LBHA in accordance with state and federal privacy laws.
Source Note: The provisions of this §306.204 adopted to be effective May 20, 2020, 45 TexReg 3301; amended to be effective January 20, 2021, 46 TexReg 457