(a) In this section, "substitute' means a retiree employed by a Texas public educational institution and paid no more than the daily rate of pay for substitutes as set by the employer to work:
(1) on a temporary basis in the place of a current employee(s);
(2) in a vacant position for no more than 20 days if the retiree was not the last person to hold the vacant position and the retiree has not previously been employed in that vacant position during the same school year; or
(3) on a temporary basis to monitor an in-person class while the classroom teacher temporarily instructs the class virtually.
(b) A retiree may be employed in a month solely as a substitute in a public educational institution without forfeiting the annuity payment for that month.
(c) A retiree who reports for duty as a daily substitute during any day and works any portion of that day shall be considered to have worked one day.
(d) A disability retiree may not be employed as a substitute under this section for more than 90 days in a school year. A disability retiree who works more than 90 days in a substitute position shall forfeit the disability retiree's annuity for the month during which the disability retiree exceeded 90 days and in each subsequent month during the same school year that the disability retiree is employed by a Texas public educational institution.
Source Note: The provisions of this §31.12 adopted to be effective November 1, 2021, 46 TexReg 6940