The overland flow process is the application of wastewater along the upper portion of uniformly sloped and grass-covered land and allowing it to flow in a thin sheet over the vegetated surface to runoff collection ditches. The primary objective of this process is treatment of wastewater. Utilization of this process does result in a discharge and therefore a waste discharge permit from the Texas Water Commission is required. This process is best utilized on soils with low permeability. The performance of the overland flow process is dependent on the detention time of the wastewater on the vegetated sloped area. Therefore, in order to meet a specified effluent criteria, the hydraulic loading rate, the application rate, and the effectiveness of the distribution system are essential design considerations. For detailed process design guidance, the latest edition of the Environmental Protection Agency Technology Transfer Process Design Manual for Land Treatment of Municipal Wastewater may be used.
(1) Hydraulic loading rate. The hydraulic loading rate and application rate can vary depending on levels of pretreatment, quality of effluent, temperature, and other climatic conditions. A hydraulic loading rate of 1.5 to 2.0 inches per day and an application rate of six to eight gallons per hour per foot of slope width are suggested as general guides. The design rates selected and their justification shall be submitted in the design report.
(2) Wastewater storage. Storage capacity for inclement weather conditions shall be provided. To minimize the impact of algae on the treatment performance, this storage shall be designed as an off-line basin, used only as needed and emptied as soon as possible by blending with other pretreated wastewater prior to application. To control odors, provisions for aeration in the storage basin should be considered.
(3) Soil testing. For the overland flow process, the soil profile evaluation should extend to a depth of at least three feet. The soil sampling and testing specified in subsection (b) of this section shall be representative of the soil to this depth.
(4) Other design considerations.
Source Note: The provisions of this §317.10 adopted to be effective November 26, 2015, 40 TexReg 8341