(a) Personnel functions.
(1) A description of functions and minimum qualifications for each category of key personnel to be employed at the facility and for the supervisory personnel in the chain of command;
(2) A description of the general instructions that the operating personnel shall follow concerning the operational requirements of this subchapter; and
(3) Procedures for the detection and prevention of the receipt of prohibited wastes; which must include:
(A) random inspections of packaging for incoming loads;
(B) records of all inspections; and
(C) training for appropriate facility personnel responsible for inspecting or observing loads to recognize prohibited waste.
(b) Waste acceptance. The applicant shall identify the sources and characteristics of medical wastes proposed to be received for storage and processing or disposal, the maximum amount of medical waste to be received daily, the maximum amount of medical waste to be stored, the maximum lengths of time that medical waste is to remain at the facility (specify the maximum allowable period of time that unprocessed and processed wastes are to remain on-site), and the intended destination of the medical waste received at this facility. Medical waste facilities may not receive regulated hazardous waste as defined in §326.3(45) of this title (relating to Definitions). Materials accepted for recycling may only be accepted from health care-related facilities as long as the recyclable materials have not been mixed or come into contact with medical waste. Materials mixed or contacting medical waste shall be managed as medical waste.
(c) Facility-generated waste.
(1) All liquids resulting from the facility operations shall be disposed of in a manner that will not cause surface water or groundwater pollution. The owner or operator may send wastewater off-site to an authorized facility or shall provide for the treatment of wastewaters resulting from managing the waste or from cleaning and washing. Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, the owner or operator shall provide a connection into a public sewer system, a septic system, or a small wastewater treatment plant. On-site wastewater treatment systems shall comply with Chapter 285 of this title (relating to On-site Sewage Facilities). The owner or operator shall obtain any permit or other approval required by state or local code for the system installed.
(2) Contaminated water shall be collected and contained until properly managed.
(3) Wastes generated by a facility must be processed or disposed at an authorized solid waste management facility.
(4) Off-site discharge of contaminated waters shall be made only after approval under the Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System authority.
(5) The owner or operator shall provide a copy of the authorization to discharge wastewater to a treatment facility permitted under Texas Water Code, Chapter 26.
(d) Storage requirements.
(1) All solid waste shall be stored in such a manner that it does not create a nuisance.
(2) Storage area(s) for source-separated or recyclable materials from medical waste facilities must be provided that are separate from solid waste processing areas. Control of odors, vectors, and windblown waste from the storage area shall be maintained.
(3) Containers must be maintained in a clean condition so that they do not constitute a nuisance. Containers to be mechanically handled must be designed to prevent spillage or leakage during storage, handling, or transport.
(4) If a stationary compactor is utilized, it shall be operated and maintained in such a way as not to create a public nuisance through material loss or spillage, odor, vector breeding or harborage, or other condition.
(e) Recordkeeping and reporting requirements.
(1) A copy of the registration, the approved registration application, and any other required plan or other related document shall be maintained at the medical waste facility at all times. These plans shall be made available for inspection by agency representatives or other interested parties. These documents shall be considered a part of the operating record for the facility.
(2) The owner or operator shall promptly record and retain in an operating record:
(A) all location-restriction demonstrations;
(B) inspection records and training procedures;
(C) closure plans, cost estimates, and financial assurance documentation relating to financial assurance for closure;
(D) copies of all correspondence and responses relating to the operation of the facility, modifications to the registration, approvals, and other matters pertaining to technical assistance; and
(E) all documents, manifests and any other document(s) as specified by the approved authorization or by the executive director.
(3) For signatories to reports, the following conditions apply.
(A) The owner or operator shall sign all reports and other information requested by the executive director as described in §305.128 of this title (relating to Signatories to Reports) and §305.44(a) of this title (relating to Signatories to Applications) or by a duly authorized representative of the owner or operator. A person is a duly authorized representative only if:
(i) the authorization is made in writing by the owner or operator as described in §305.44(a) of this title;
(ii) the authorization specifies either an individual or a position having responsibility for the overall operation of the regulated facility or activity or for environmental matters for the owner or operator, such as the position of plant manager, environmental manager, or a position of equivalent responsibility. A duly authorized representative may thus be either a named individual or any individual occupying a named position; and
(iii) the authorization is submitted to the executive director.
(B) If an authorization under this section is no longer accurate because of a change in individuals or position, a new authorization satisfying the requirements of this section must be submitted to the executive director prior to, or together with, any reports, information, or applications to be signed by an authorized representative.
(C) Any person signing a report shall make the certification in §305.44(b) of this title.
(4) All information contained in the operating record shall be furnished upon request to the executive director and shall be made available for inspection by the executive director.
(5) The owner or operator shall retain all information contained within the operating record and the different plans required for the facility for the life of the facility.
(6) The executive director may set alternative schedules for recordkeeping and notification requirements as specified in paragraphs (1) - (5) of this subsection.
(7) Owners or operators of a medical waste processing facility accepting delivery of untreated medical waste for which a shipping document is required for processing shall ensure each of the following requirements are met:
(A) a shipping document accompanies the shipment, which designates the facility to receive the waste;
(B) the owner or operator signs the shipping document and immediately gives at least one copy of the signed shipping document to the transporter;
(C) the owner or operator retains one copy of the shipping document;
(D) within 45 days after the delivery, the treatment facility owner or operator sends a written or electronic copy of the shipping document to the generator that includes the total weight of waste received and a statement that the medical waste was treated in accordance with 25 TAC §1.136 (relating to Approved Methods of Treatment and Disposition).
(f) Fire protection.
(1) An adequate supply of water under pressure must be available for firefighting purposes.
(2) Firefighting equipment must be readily available.
(3) A fire protection plan shall be established, and all employees shall be trained in its contents and use. This fire protection plan shall describe the source of fire protection (a local fire department, fire hydrants, fire extinguishers, water tanks, water well, etc.), procedures for using the fire protection source, and employee training and safety procedures. The fire protection plan shall comply with local fire codes.
(g) Access control.
(1) Public access to all medical waste facilities shall be controlled by means of artificial barriers, natural barriers, or a combination of both, appropriate to protect human health and safety and the environment. Uncontrolled access to other operations located at a medical waste facility shall be prevented.