(a) Persons who are determined to be proposing a new shaft subject to this chapter must obtain executive director approval of plans for the drilling of an engineering design test hole on center or offset to the shaft and a proposed seismic reflection survey (geophysical survey) for the purposes of site characterization, shaft and seal design, and shaft decommissioning prior to submitting an application for permit. Plans submitted for approval shall contain specific information which will address the following:
(1) test hole-location, drilling, completion, testing, closure, surface cleanup, and mud pits; and
(2) seismic survey-location and number of lines, velocity control and accuracy of resolution.
(b) An applicant may provide results of previous exploratory drilling and geophysical surveys to support its position that the engineering design test hole and seismic reflection survey (geophysical survey) are not necessary.
(c) After an appropriate review of the matters submitted under subsections (a) and (b) of this section, the executive director:
(1) may allow the results of previous exploratory drilling and geophysical exploration to be substituted for the engineering design test hole and seismic reflection survey;
(2) will determine the requirements of §329.9 of this title (relating to Procedures for Application) and the area of review;
(3) will determine the fee necessary to compensate the Texas Water Commission for reviewing the application; and
(4) may require mechanical integrity investigation for existing shafts which may be modified or converted to a new purpose.
(d) Persons required to drill an engineering design test hole and/or conduct a seismic reflection survey must first obtain the written approval of the executive director.
Source Note: The provisions of this §329.6 adopted to be effective May 13, 1986, 11 TexReg 1978.