Public access to all municipal solid waste facilities must be controlled by means of artificial barriers, natural barriers, or a combination of both, appropriate to protect human health and safety and the environment. Uncontrolled access to other operations located at a municipal solid waste facility must be prevented. The provisions for access control must be specified in the site operating plan. The preferred method of landfill access control is fences and gates. Regardless of the access control method, the site operating plan must include an inspection and maintenance schedule, notification to the commission's regional office of a breach, provisions for temporary and permanent repairs, and notification to the commission's regional office when a permanent access control breach repair is completed. The commission's regional office, and any local pollution agency with jurisdiction that has requested to be notified, must be notified of the breach within 24 hours of detection. The breach must be temporarily repaired within 24 hours of detection and must be permanently repaired by the time specified to the commission's regional office when it was reported in the initial breach report. If a permanent repair can be made within eight hours of detection, no notice to the commission's regional office is required.
Source Note: The provisions of this §330.131 adopted to be effective March 27, 2006, 31 TexReg 2502