(a) Permit application. The application for a municipal solid waste facility is divided into Parts I - IV. Parts I - IV of the application shall be required before the application is declared administratively complete in accordance with Chapter 281 of this title (relating to Applications Processing). The owner or operator shall submit a complete application, containing Parts I - IV, before a hearing can be conducted on the technical design merits of the application. An owner or operator applying for a permit may request a land-use only determination. If the executive director determines that a land-use only determination is appropriate, the owner or operator shall submit a partial application consisting of Parts I and II of the application. The executive director may process a partial permit application to the extent necessary to determine land-use compatibility alone. If the facility is determined to be acceptable on the basis of land use, the executive director will consider technical matters related to the permit application at a later time. When this procedure is followed, an opportunity for a public hearing will be offered for each determination in accordance with §39.419 of this title (relating to Notice of Application and Preliminary Decision). A complete application, consisting of Parts I - IV of the application, shall be submitted based upon the results of the land-use only public hearing. Owners or operators of Type IAE and Type IVAE municipal solid waste landfill units are required to submit all parts of the application except for those items pertaining to Subchapters H and J of this chapter (relating to Liner System Design and Operation; and Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action). Owners or operators of Type IAE and Type IVAE municipal solid waste landfill units are exempt from the geology report requirements of §330.63(e) of this title (relating to Contents of Part III of the Application) except for the requirement to submit a soil boring plan in accordance with §330.63(e)(4) and (e)(4)(A) of this title, and the information requested in §330.63(e)(6) of this title.
(b) Registration application. A registration application for a municipal solid waste facility is also divided into Parts I - IV, but is not subject to a hearing request or to the administrative completeness determinations of Chapter 281 of this title.
(c) Parts of the application.
(1) Part I of the application consists of the information required in §281.5 of this title (relating to Application for Wastewater Discharge, Underground Injection, Municipal Solid Waste, Radioactive Material, Hazardous Waste, and Industrial Solid Waste Management Permits), §305.45 of this title (relating to Contents of Application for Permit), and §330.59 of this title (relating to Contents of Part I of the Application).
(2) Part II of the application describes the existing conditions and character of the facility and surrounding area. Part II of the application shall consist of the information contained in §330.61 of this title (relating to Contents of Part II of the Application). Parts I and II of a permit application must provide information relating to land-use compatibility under the provisions of Texas Health and Safety Code, §361.069. Part II may be combined with Part I of the application or may be submitted as a separate document. An owner or operator must submit Parts I and II of the permit application before a land-use determination is made in accordance with subsection (a) of this section.
(3) Part III of the application contains design information, detailed investigative reports, schematic designs of the facility, and required plans. Part III shall consist of the documents required in §330.63 of this title.
(4) Part IV of the application contains the site operating plan that shall discuss how the owner or operator plans to conduct daily operations at the facility. Part IV shall consist of the documents required in §330.65 of this title (relating to Contents of Part IV of the Application).
(d) Required information. The information required by this subchapter defines the basic elements for an application. All aspects of the application and design requirements must be addressed by the owner or operator, even if only to show why they are not applicable for that particular site. It is the responsibility of the applicant to provide the executive director data of sufficient completeness, accuracy, and clarity to provide assurance that operation of the site will pose no reasonable probability of adverse effects on the health, welfare, environment, or physical property of nearby residents or property owners. Failure of the owner or operator to provide complete information as required by this chapter may be cause for the executive director to return the application without further action in accordance with §281.18 and §281.19 of this title (relating to Applications Returned and Technical Review). Submission of false information shall constitute grounds for denial of the permit or registration application.
(e) Number of copies.
(1) Applications shall be initially submitted in four copies. The owner or operator shall furnish up to 18 additional copies of the application for use by required reviewing agencies, upon request of the executive director.
(2) For permit applications initially submitted to the executive director, the owner or operator shall also furnish Parts I and II, and any subsequent revisions to Parts I and II, to the regional council of governments.
(f) Preparation. Preparation of the application must conform with Texas Occupations Code, Texas Engineering Practice Act, Chapter 1001 and Texas Geoscience Practice Act, Chapter 1002.
(1) The responsible engineer shall seal, sign, and date the title page of each bound engineering report or individual engineering plan in the application and each engineering drawing as required by Texas Engineering Practice Act, §15c, and in accordance with 22 TAC §137.33 (relating to Sealing Procedures).
(2) The responsible geoscientist shall seal, sign, and date applicable items as required by Texas Geoscience Practice Act, §6.13(b), and in accordance with 22 TAC §851.156 (relating to Professional Geoscientist Seals and Geoscience Firm Identification).
(3) Applications that have not been sealed shall be considered incomplete for the intended purpose and shall be returned to the owner or operator.
(g) Application format.
(1) Applications shall be submitted in three-ring, "D"-ring, loose-leaf binders.
(2) The title page shall show the name of the project; the municipal solid waste permit application number, if known; the name of the owner and operator; the location by city and county; the date the part was prepared; and, if appropriate, the number and date of the revision. It shall be sealed as required by the Texas Engineering Practice Act.
(3) The table of contents shall list and give the page numbers for the main sections of the application. It shall be sealed as required by the Texas Engineering Practice Act.
(4) The narrative of the report shall be printed on 8-1/2 by 11 inches white paper. Drawings or other sheets shall be no larger than 11 by 17 inches so that they can be reproduced by standard office copy machines.
(5) All pages shall contain a page number and date.
(6) Revisions shall have the revision date and note that the sheet is revised in the header or footer of each revised sheet. The revised text shall be marked to highlight the revision.
(7) Dividers and tabs are encouraged.
(h) Application drawings.
(1) All information contained on a drawing shall be legible, even if it has been reduced. The drawings shall be 8-1/2 by 11 inches or 11 by 17 inches. Standard-sized drawings (24 by 36 inches) folded to 8-1/2 by 11 inches may be submitted or required if reduction would render them illegible or difficult to interpret.
(2) If color coding is used, it should be legible and the code distinct when reproduced on black and white photocopy machines.
(3) Drawings shall be submitted at a standard engineering scale.
(4) Each drawing shall have a:
(A) dated title block;
(B) bar scale at least one-inch long;
(C) revision block;
(D) responsible engineer's or geoscientist's seal, if required; and
(E) drawing number and a page number.
(5) Each map or plan drawing shall also have:
(A) a north arrow. Preferred orientation is to have the north arrow pointing toward the top of the page;
(B) a reference to the base map source and date, if the map is based upon another map. The latest published edition of the base map should be used; and