(a) Existing conditions summary. The owner or operator shall determine and report to the executive director any site-specific conditions that require special design considerations and possible mitigation of conditions identified in subsections (h) - (o) of this section. The owner or operator may discuss any additional land-use, environmental, or special issues in an existing conditions summary.
(b) Waste acceptance plan.
(1) The owner or operator shall identify the sources and characteristics of wastes (i.e., residential, commercial, grease trap, grit trap, soluble sludges, septage, special wastes, Class 2 or Class 3 industrial solid wastes, compost feedstocks, etc.) proposed to be received for storage, processing, or disposal. Municipal solid waste facilities may not receive regulated hazardous waste. If a waste constituent or characteristic could be a limiting parameter that may impact or influence the design and operation of the facility, the owner or operator shall specify parameter limitations of each type of waste to be managed by the facility, which may include constituent concentrations and characteristics such as pH, fats, oil and grease concentrations, total suspended solids, chemical oxygen demand, biochemical oxygen demand, organic and metal constituent concentrations, water content, or other constituents. The owner or operator shall include:
(A) a brief description of the general sources and generation areas contributing wastes to the facility. This description shall include an estimate of the population or population equivalent served by the facility. Additionally, if applicable, a descriptive narrative must be included that describes the percentage of incoming waste that must be recovered and its intended use;
(B) for transfer stations, the maximum amount of solid waste to be received daily and annually projected for five years, the maximum amount of solid waste to be stored, the maximum and average lengths of time that solid waste is to remain at the facility, and the intended destination of the solid waste received at this facility; and
(C) for landfills, an estimated maximum annual waste acceptance rate for the facility projected for five years.
(2) For registration applications, this information shall also establish why a facility qualifies for a registration in accordance with §330.9 of this title (relating to Registration Required).
(c) General location maps. The owner or operator shall provide maps in addition to those required by §330.59(c) of this title (relating to Contents of Part I of the Application) as necessary to accurately show proximity to surrounding features:
(1) the prevailing wind direction with a wind rose;
(2) all known water wells within 500 feet of the proposed permit boundary with the state well numbering system designation for Water Development Board "located wells";
(3) all structures and inhabitable buildings within 500 feet of the proposed facility;
(4) schools, licensed day-care facilities, churches, hospitals, cemeteries, ponds, lakes, and residential, commercial, and recreational areas within one mile of the facility;
(5) the location and surface type of all roads within one mile of the facility that will normally be used by the owner or operator for entering or leaving the facility;
(6) latitudes and longitudes;
(7) area streams;
(8) airports within six miles of the facility;
(9) the property boundary of the facility;
(10) drainage, pipeline, and utility easements within or adjacent to the facility;
(11) facility access control features; and
(12) archaeological sites, historical sites, and sites with exceptional aesthetic qualities adjacent to the facility.
(d) Facility layout maps. A map or set of maps showing:
(1) the outline of the units;
(2) general locations of main interior facility roadways, and for landfill units, the general locations of main interior facility roadways that can be used to provide access to fill areas ;
(3) locations of monitor wells;
(4) locations of buildings;
(5) any other graphic representations or marginal explanatory notes necessary to communicate the proposed construction sequence of the facility;
(6) fencing;
(7) provisions for the maintenance of any natural windbreaks, such as greenbelts, where they will improve the appearance and operation of the facility and, where appropriate, plans for screening the facility from public view;
(8) all site entrance roads from public access roads; and
(9) for landfill units:
(A) sectors with appropriate notations to communicate the types of wastes to be disposed of in individual sectors;
(B) the general sequence of filling operations;
(C) sequence of excavations and filling;
(D) dimensions of cells or trenches; and
(E) maximum waste elevations and final cover.
(e) General topographic maps. The owner or operator shall submit United States Geological Survey 7 1/2-minute quadrangle sheets or equivalent for the facility. At least one general topographic map shall be at a scale of one inch equals 2,000 feet.
(f) Aerial photograph.
(1) The owner or operator shall submit an aerial photograph approximately nine inches by nine inches with a scale within a range of one inch equals 1,667 feet to one inch equals 3,334 feet and showing the area within at least a one-mile radius of the site boundaries. The site boundaries and actual fill areas shall be marked.
(2) A series of aerial photographs can be used to show growth trends.
(3) If submitted, digital prints and photocopies of photographs must be legible.
(g) Land-use map. This is a constructed map of the facility showing the boundary of the facility and any existing zoning on or surrounding the property and actual uses (e.g., agricultural, industrial, residential, etc.) both within the facility and within one mile of the facility. The owner or operator shall make every effort to show the location of residences, commercial establishments, schools, licensed day-care facilities, churches, cemeteries, ponds or lakes, and recreational areas within one mile of the facility boundary. Drainage, pipeline, and utility easements within the facility shall be shown. Access roads serving the facility shall also be shown.
(h) Impact on surrounding area. A primary concern is that the use of any land for a municipal solid waste facility not adversely impact human health or the environment. The owner or operator shall provide information regarding the likely impacts of the facility on cities, communities, groups of property owners, or individuals by analyzing the compatibility of land use, zoning in the vicinity, community growth patterns, and other factors associated with the public interest. To assist the commission in evaluating the impact of the site on the surrounding area, the owner or operator shall provide the following:
(1) if available, a published zoning map for the facility and within two miles of the facility for the county or counties in which the facility is or will be located. If the site requires approval as a nonconforming use or a special permit from the local government having jurisdiction, a copy of such approval shall be submitted;
(2) information about the character of surrounding land uses within one mile of the proposed facility;
(3) information about growth trends within five miles of the facility with directions of major development;
(4) the proximity to residences and other uses (e.g., schools, churches, cemeteries, historic structures and sites, archaeologically significant sites, sites having exceptional aesthetic quality, etc.) within one mile of the facility. The owner or operator shall provide the approximate number of residences and commercial establishments within one mile of the proposed facility including the distances and directions to the nearest residences and commercial establishments. Population density and proximity to residences and other uses described in this paragraph may be considered for assessment of compatibility;
(5) a description and discussion of all known wells within 500 feet of the proposed facility. Well density may be considered for assessment of compatibility; and
(6) any other information requested by the executive director.
(i) Transportation. The owner or operator shall:
(1) provide data on the availability and adequacy of roads that the owner or operator will use to access the site;
(2) provide data on the volume of vehicular traffic on access roads within one mile of the proposed facility, both existing and expected, during the expected life of the proposed facility;