(a) The purpose of this chapter is to implement a state hazardous waste program which controls from point of generation to ultimate disposal those wastes which have been identified by the administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 261.
(b) Subchapter E of this chapter (relating to Interim Standards for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, or Disposal Facilities); Subchapter F of this chapter (relating to Permitting Standards for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste, Treatment, Storage, or Disposal Facilities); §335.12 of this title (relating to Shipping Requirements Applicable to Owners or Operators of Treatment, Storage, or Disposal Facilities); and §335.15 of this title (relating to Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements Applicable to Owners or Operators of Treatment, Storage, or Disposal Facilities) do not apply to an owner or operator of a totally enclosed treatment facility, as defined in §335.1 of this title (relating to Definitions).
(c) Except as provided in §335.47 of this title (relating to Special Requirements for Persons Eligible for a Federal Permit by Rule), Subchapters E and F of this chapter do not apply to the owner or operator of a publicly owned treatment works (POTW) that processes, stores, or disposes of hazardous waste.
(d) Subchapters E and F of this chapter do not apply to:
(1) the owner or operator of an elementary neutralization unit provided that if the owner or operator is diluting hazardous ignitable (D001) wastes (other than the D001 High TOC Subcategory as defined in 40 CFR §268.40, Table Treatment Standards for Hazardous Wastes), or reactive (D003) waste, to remove the characteristic before land disposal, the owner/operator must comply with the requirements in 40 CFR §264.17(b);
(2) persons engaged in processing or containment activities during immediate response to a discharge of a hazardous waste; an imminent and substantial threat of discharge of hazardous waste; a discharge of a material which, when discharged, becomes a hazardous waste; or an immediate threat to human health, public safety, property, or the environment, from the known or suspected presence of military munitions, other explosive material, or an explosive device, as determined by an explosive or munitions emergency response specialist as defined in §335.1 of this title, except that:
(A) an owner or operator of a facility otherwise regulated under Subchapter E of this chapter must comply with all applicable requirements of §335.112(a)(2) and (3) of this title (relating to Standards) and §335.113 of this title (relating to Reporting of Emergency Situations by Emergency Coordinator);
(B) an owner or operator of a facility otherwise regulated under Subchapter F of this chapter must comply with all applicable requirements of §335.152(a)(2) and (3) of this title (relating to Standards) and §335.153 of this title (relating to Reporting of Emergency Situations by Emergency Coordinator);
(C) any person who continues or initiates hazardous waste processing or containment activities after the immediate response is over is subject to all applicable requirements of Subchapters E and F of this chapter and Chapter 305 of this title (relating to Consolidated Permits); and
(D) in the case of an explosives or munitions emergency response, if a federal, state, tribal, or local official acting within the scope of his or her official responsibilities, or an explosives or emergency response specialist, determines that immediate removal of the material is necessary to protect human health or the environment, that official or specialist may authorize the removal of the material or waste by transporters who do not have EPA identification numbers and without the preparation of a manifest. In the case of emergencies involving military munitions, the responding military emergency response specialist's organizational unit must retain records for three years identifying the dates of the response, the responsible persons responding, the type and description of material addressed, and its disposition;
(3) persons adding absorbent material to waste in a container, as defined in §335.1 of this title and persons adding waste to absorbent material in a container, provided that these actions occur at the time that waste is first placed in the container, and that in the case of permitted facilities, 40 CFR §§264.17(b), 264.171, and 264.172 are complied with, and for all other facilities, 40 CFR §§265.17(b), 265.171, and 265.172 are complied with;
(4) a farmer disposing of waste pesticides from the farmer's own use in compliance with 40 CFR §262.70 as adopted under §335.57 of this title (relating to Farmers);
(5) the owner or operator of a wastewater treatment unit, as defined in §335.1 of this title, provided that the wastewater is discharged in accordance with a Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System authorization issued under Texas Water Code, Chapter 26, and if the owner or operator is diluting hazardous ignitable (D001) wastes (other than the D001 High TOC Subcategory as defined in 40 CFR §268.40) or reactive (D003) waste to remove the characteristic before land disposal, must comply with the requirements in 40 CFR §264.17(b);
(6) the owner or operator of a wastewater treatment unit, as defined in §335.1 of this title, located at a noncommercial solid waste management facility that discharges to a publicly owned treatment works, provided that if the owner or operator is diluting hazardous ignitable (D001) wastes (other than the D001 High TOC Subcategory as defined in 40 CFR §268.40) or reactive (D003) waste to remove the characteristic before land disposal, must comply with the requirements in 40 CFR §264.17(b);
(7) the owner or operator of a wastewater treatment unit, as defined in §335.1 of this title, located at a municipal solid waste facility or commercial industrial solid waste landfill disposal facility that discharges to a publicly owned treatment works liquid wastes that are incidental to the handling, processing, storage, or disposal of solid wastes, provided that if the owner or operator is diluting hazardous ignitable (D001) wastes (other than the D001 High TOC Subcategory as defined in 40 CFR §268.40) or reactive (D003) waste to remove the characteristic before land disposal, must comply with the requirements in 40 CFR §264.17(b);
(8) the owner or operator of a wastewater treatment unit, as defined in §335.1 of this title, located at a commercial industrial solid waste facility that receives waste for discharge to a publicly owned treatment works, provided that if the owner or operator is diluting hazardous ignitable (D001) wastes (other than the D001 High TOC Subcategory as defined in 40 CFR §268.40) or reactive (D003) waste to remove the characteristic before land disposal, must comply with the requirements in 40 CFR §264.17(b), but is subject to the permitting requirements of §335.2(n) of this title (relating to Permit Required);
(9) the owner or operator of a facility permitted, licensed, or registered by a state to manage municipal or industrial solid waste, if the only hazardous waste the facility treats, stores, or disposes of is excluded from regulation under this chapter by 40 CFR §262.14 as adopted under §335.53 of this title (relating to General Standards Applicable to Generators of Hazardous Waste);
(10) a generator accumulating waste on-site in compliance with applicable conditions for exemption in 40 CFR §§262.14, 262.15, 262.16, or 262.17 as adopted under §335.53 of this title except to the extent the requirements of Subchapter E or F of this chapter are included in 40 CFR §§262.14 - 262.17; or
(11) a reverse distributor accumulating potentially creditable hazardous waste pharmaceuticals and evaluated hazardous waste pharmaceuticals, in compliance with Subchapter W of this chapter (relating to Management Standards for Hazardous Waste Pharmaceuticals).
(e) Subchapter E of this chapter does not apply to:
(1) a very small quantity generator that meets the conditions for exemption for a very small quantity generator in 40 CFR §262.14 as adopted under §335.53 of this title that stores, processes, or disposes of hazardous waste on-site; or
(2) A generator accumulating waste on-site in compliance with applicable conditions for exemption in and 40 CFR Part 262, Subparts K and L as adopted under §335.59 and §335.60 of this title (relating to Alternative Requirements for Hazardous Waste Determination and Accumulation of Unwanted Material for Laboratories Owned by Eligible Academic Entities; and Alternative Standards for Episodic Generation), except to the extent the requirements of Subchapter E of this chapter are included in 40 CFR Part 262, Subparts K and L.
(f) The following requirements apply to residues of hazardous waste in containers.