(a) Compliance with this standard is attained when the criteria set forth in subsections (b)-(g) of this section are met.
(b) For closure of hazardous waste management units and response to unauthorized discharges of hazardous waste, all hazardous waste and hazardous waste residues and contaminated design and operating system components such as liners, leachate collection systems, and dikes must be removed from the unit or area of the unauthorized discharge. For remediation of media that have become contaminated by releases from a hazardous waste management unit or by other unauthorized discharge of hazardous waste, the contaminated media must be removed or decontaminated to cleanup levels specified in this section.
(c) For closure of nonhazardous industrial solid waste management units, response to unauthorized discharges of nonhazardous industrial solid waste, and the remediation of media that have become contaminated by discharges of nonhazardous industrial solid waste or other contaminants, all waste and waste residues, contaminated design and operating system components such as liners, leachate collection systems, and dikes, and contaminated media must be removed or decontaminated to cleanup levels specified in this section.
(d) Background as represented by results of analyses of samples taken from media that are unaffected by waste management or industrial activities shall be used to determine compliance with the requirements of this section. If the practical quantitation limit (PQL) is greater than background, then the PQL rather than background shall be used as the cleanup level provided that the person satisfactorily demonstrates to the executive director that lower levels of quantitation of a contaminant are not possible.
(e) Attainment of cleanup levels shall be demonstrated by collection and analysis of samples from the media of concern using the procedures of §335.553(d) of this title (relating to Required Information).
(f) The person must submit a report to the executive director in accordance with §335.553(a) of this title (relating to Required Information) that documents compliance with the requirements of this section.
(g) Provided that attainment of this risk reduction standard for the facility or area can be demonstrated to the executive director pursuant to this section, the person is released from deed recordation requirements of §335.5 of this title (relating to Deed Recordation of Waste Disposal) and post-closure care responsibilities.
Source Note: The provisions of this §335.554 adopted to be effective June 28, 1993, 18 TexReg 3814.