(a) For purposes of this risk reduction standard, cleanup levels for individual contaminants are represented by Texas or federal promulgated health-based standards, or, when these are not available or do not provide appropriate protection for human health or the environment, persons must develop cleanup levels based on procedures specified or referenced in this section for determining other numeric criteria, referred to as medium specific concentrations (MSCs), and are required to perform any necessary adjustments to these numeric criteria. The MSCs address a single contaminant in a medium and consider one or more exposure pathways, specifically, water ingestion (water MSC) and soil ingestion with inhalation of volatiles and particulates (soil MSC). Where a contaminant in one medium has the potential to contaminate another medium, defined as cross-media contamination, additional numeric criteria are developed as cleanup levels (e.g., the soil-to-ground water contaminant pathway). To determine cleanup levels for contaminated media of concern, persons must perform the evaluations of subsections (b)-(e) of this section.
(b) In addition to the exposure pathways defined or referenced in this section, the person must evaluate other exposure pathways at or near the facility (e.g., dermal absorption, ingestion of contaminated fish, etc.) by which human populations (including sensitive subgroups) or environmental receptors (e.g., aquatic organisms, food-chain crops, etc.) are likely to be exposed to contaminants. If such evaluation indicates the need for additional remediation at the facility to adequately protect human health or environmental receptors, then the person shall develop numeric criteria by utilizing available guidance or scientific literature to serve in place of, or in addition to, cleanup levels determined pursuant to this section.
(c) The person must determine the appropriate exposure factors from §335.557 of this title (relating to Criteria for Selection of Nonresidential Soil Requirements for Risk Reduction Standard Number 2).
(d) The person must calculate MSCs in accordance with §335.558 of this title (relating to Medium Specific Concentrations for Risk Reduction Standard Number 2).
(e) The person must determine any cross-media requirements and modifications to cleanup levels in accordance with §335.559 of this title (relating to Medium Specific Requirements and Adjustments for Risk Reduction Standard Number 2).
Source Note: The provisions of this §335.556 adopted to be effective June 28, 1993, 18 TexReg 3814.