Restraints that employ a technique listed in this section are prohibited:
(1) restraints used for punishment, discipline, retaliation, harassment, compliance, or intimidation;
(2) restraints that deprive the juvenile of basic human necessities, including restroom opportunities, water, food, and clothing;
(3) restraints that are intended to inflict pain;
(4) restraints that put a juvenile in a prone or supine position with sustained or excessive pressure on the back or chest cavity;
(5) restraints that put a juvenile in a prone or supine position with pressure on the neck or head;
(6) restraints that obstruct the airway or impair the breathing of the juvenile, including a procedure that places anything in, on, or over the juvenile's mouth or nose or around the juvenile's neck;
(7) restraints that interfere with the juvenile's ability to communicate;
(8) restraints that obstruct the view of the juvenile's face;
(9) any technique that does not require the monitoring of the juvenile's respiration and other signs of physical distress during the restraint; and
(10) percussive or electrical shocking devices.
Source Note: The provisions of this §341.704 adopted to be effective January 1, 2017, 41 TexReg 5433