(a) This rule applies only to motor fuel transactions that take place on or after January 1, 2004. Motor fuel transactions that occur prior to January 1, 2004, will be governed by sections in Texas Administrative Code, Title 34, Part 1, Chapter 3, Subchapter L.
(b) Electronic filing of reports and schedules.
(1) The comptroller may require a supplier, permissive supplier, distributor, importer, exporter, blender, or motor fuel transporter to file reports and schedules by means of electronic transmission under the following circumstances:
(A) the combined total number of gallons of gasoline and diesel fuel that a licensed supplier, permissive supplier, distributor, importer, exporter, or blender receives during the preceding 12 months exceeds five million gallons, or the total number of transactions that a licensed supplier, permissive supplier, distributor, importer, exporter, or blender reports on the monthly report schedules exceeds 100 transactions each month for three consecutive months on an individual license basis; or
(B) the total number of transactions that a motor fuel transporter reports on the quarterly report schedules exceeds 100 transactions.
(2) For the purpose of this section, one transaction means a single purchase, sale, import, or export of gasoline or diesel fuel, or the summary of multiple purchases, sales, imports, or exports of gasoline or diesel fuel during a reporting period, when the seller, purchaser, fuel type, motor fuel transporter, origin state or country, and destination state or country are the same.
(3) The taxpayer or its authorized agent shall enter into a written agreement with the comptroller to permit electronic filing of reports and schedules. The signature of the taxpayer or its authorized agent on the written agreement into which the parties enter for this purpose shall be deemed to appear on each report filed electronically.
(4) Electronic transmission of each report and schedule shall be made in a format that the comptroller approves and that is compatible with the comptroller's equipment and facilities.
(5) The comptroller shall notify the taxpayers to whom this subsection applies no less than 90 days before the taxpayer is required to begin filing its reports and schedules electronically.
(6) Suppliers, permissive suppliers, distributors, importers, exporter, blenders, and motor fuel transporters who are required to file reports and supplements electronically, but are unable to do so, may request a waiver from the comptroller.
(7) The license of a supplier, permissive supplier, distributor, importer, exporter, blender, or motor fuel transporter who is required to file electronically may be suspended if the supplier, permissive supplier, distributor, importer, exporter, blender, or motor fuel transporter fails to file reports and schedules by means of electronic transmission in an approved format, after being notified of such requirement.
(8) A terminal operator must file reports and schedules electronically.
(c) Civil penalty.
(1) A motor fuel transporter who is required to file reports and schedules and who fails to do so, after being notified of such requirement, may be assessed a penalty not to exceed $200 for each report period and $25 for each reportable transaction. Each calendar quarter that a motor fuel transporter fails to file a report with the comptroller is a separate violation. The comptroller will send notice to the motor fuel transporter about the assessment of the penalty. The motor fuel transporter may request a redetermination under the terms of §§1.1-1.42 of this title (relating to Rules of Practice and Procedure). An oral hearing at the office of the Comptroller of Public Accounts in Austin, Texas, may be requested. The standard of proof in an administrative hearing pursuant to this section is by a preponderance of the evidence, unless otherwise provided by statute.
(2) A motor fuel transporter or terminal operator who is required to file reports and schedules electronically and who fails to do so in an approved format, after being notified of such requirement, may be assessed a penalty not to exceed $200 for each report period and $25 for each reportable transaction. The comptroller will send notice to the motor fuel transporter or terminal operator about the assessment of the penalty. The motor fuel transporter or terminal operator may request a redetermination under the terms of §§1.1-1.42 of this title (relating to Rules of Practice and Procedure). An oral hearing at the office of the Comptroller of Public Accounts in Austin, Texas, may be requested. The standard of proof in an administrative hearing pursuant to this section is by a preponderance of the evidence, unless otherwise provided by statute.
(d) Deferred tax payments.
(1) A licensed supplier, permissive supplier, distributor, or importer ordering a withdrawal of motor fuel at a terminal rack may elect to defer the payment of taxes to a supplier or permissive supplier until two days before the supplier or permissive supplier is required to remit the tax to the state. If two days before the report due date falls on a weekend or banking holiday, then the payment to the supplier or permissive supplier is to be made on the last business day prior to the weekend or banking holiday. For example, if the due date falls on a Tuesday the 25th, then the supplier or permissive supplier may draft the account on Friday the 21st.
(2) A supplier, a permissive supplier, or its representative shall give at least a two day notice by electronic means of the amount to be drafted from the account of the supplier, permissive supplier, distributor, or importer. If two days before the date the bank account is to be drafted falls on a weekend or banking holiday, then the notice to the supplier, permissive supplier, distributor or importer is to be made on the last business day prior to the weekend or banking holiday. For example, if the due date falls on a Tuesday the 25th, then the supplier or permissive supplier must give notice on Wednesday the 19th.
(3) The supplier, permissive supplier, distributor or importer shall pay the taxes to the supplier or permissive supplier by electronic funds transfer.
Source Note: The provisions of this §3.446 adopted to be effective April 13, 2005, 30 TexReg 2095