(a) Any commissioned security officer licensed by the department who, in the performance of his/her duties, has a shotgun available to assist in the protection of life or property must demonstrate proficiency to a department approved firearms training instructor by successfully completing the course of fire for shotgun training. The course of fire shall consist of nine rounds of nine (9) pellet "00" buckshot (no slugs) fired as detailed in this section:
(1) From a standing position at a distance of fifteen (15) yards, three (3) rounds of "00" buckshot in twelve (12) seconds;
(2) From a standing position at a distance of ten (10) yards, three (3) rounds of "00" buckshot in ten (10) seconds;
(3) From a standing position at a distance of five (5) yards, three (3) rounds of "00" buckshot in ten (10) seconds; or
(4) An alternate course of fire may be approved by the director upon receipt of written application.
(b) A biennial familiarization of six (6) rounds of "00" buckshot shall be required for renewal of a commissioned security officer. The course of fire shall be as outlined in subsection (a) of this section reducing the number of rounds from three (3) to two (2) with a commensurate halving of time in each category.
(c) The category for any shotgun is STG.
Source Note: The provisions of this §35.146 adopted to be effective May 6, 2014, 39 TexReg 3609