(a) Statutory authority. The Texas Human Resources Code §32.022 and 42 C.F.R. §431.12 require HHSC to establish the Medical Care Advisory Committee (MCAC).
(b) Purpose. The MCAC advises HHSC about health and medical care services. In particular, the MCAC provides input on:
(1) developing and maintaining the Medicaid program;
(2) immediate and long-range plans for reaching the Medicaid goal of providing access to high quality, comprehensive medical and health care services to medically indigent persons in the state; and
(3) possible changes in the eligibility-determination process to ensure that qualified applicants receive services.
(c) Tasks. The MCAC advises the Executive Commissioner and HHSC on:
(1) development and maintenance of the Medicaid program;
(2) long-range plans for providing access to high quality, comprehensive medical and health care services to medically indigent persons in the state;
(3) the process HHSC uses to determine eligibility; and
(4) all other issues as requested by the Executive Commissioner.
(d) Reporting requirements. The MCAC submits reports in accordance with statutory requirements and as requested by the Executive Commissioner.
(e) Abolition. The MCAC is required by federal regulations and will continue as long as the federal law that requires it remains in effect.
(f) Membership.
(1) The Executive Commissioner appoints the members of the MCAC in compliance with federal requirements. The appointments provide for a balanced representation of the general public, providers, consumers, and other persons, state agencies, or groups with knowledge of and interest in the MCAC's field of work.
(2) Each member serves at the will of the Executive Commissioner.
(g) Presiding officer.
(1) The MCAC selects a presiding officer from among its members.
(2) Unless reelected, the presiding officer serves a term of one year.
(h) Subcommittees. The Hospital Payment Advisory Committee exists as a standing subcommittee of the MCAC.
Source Note: The provisions of this §351.803 adopted to be effective July 1, 2016, 41 TexReg 4432