(a) Statutory authority. Texas Health and Safety Code §241.187 establishes the Perinatal Advisory Council (PAC).
(b) Purpose. The PAC makes recommendations to HHSC on the designation of levels of care for neonatal or maternal care assigned to hospitals.
(c) Tasks. The PAC performs the following tasks:
(1) develops and recommends criteria for designating levels of neonatal and maternal care, respectively, including specifying the minimum requirements to qualify for each level designation;
(2) develops and recommends a process for the assignment of levels of care to a hospital for neonatal and maternal care, respectively;
(3) makes recommendations for the division of the state into neonatal and maternal care regions;
(4) examines utilization trends relating to neonatal and maternal care;
(5) makes recommendations related to improving neonatal and maternal outcomes;
(6) assist in the designation of the centers of excellence for fetal diagnosis and therapy as required by Texas Health and Safety Code §32.072; and
(7) performs other tasks consistent with its purpose as requested by the Executive Commissioner.
(d) Reporting requirements. The PAC must submit a report not later than September 1, 2016, detailing the advisory council's determinations and recommendations to the Texas Department of State Health Services and the Executive Commissioner.
(e) Abolition. The PAC is abolished, and this section expires, on September 1, 2025.
(f) Membership.
(1) The PAC consists of 19 members.
(A) Each member is appointed by the Executive Commissioner.
(B) Membership is allocated consistently with Texas Health & Safety Code §241.187.
(2) Members of the PAC serve staggered three-year terms, with the terms of six members expiring each September 1st.
(3) A member may be reappointed.
(g) Presiding officer.
(1) The PAC selects a presiding officer from among its members beginning in 2017.
(2) Unless reelected, the presiding officer serves a term of one year.
Source Note: The provisions of this §351.813 adopted to be effective July 1, 2016, 41 TexReg 4432