(a) Statutory authority. The STAR Kids Managed Care Advisory Committee (STAR Kids Advisory Committee) is established under Texas Government Code §531.012.
(b) Purpose. The STAR Kids Advisory Committee advises HHSC on the establishment and implementation of, and recommends improvements to, the STAR Kids managed care program.
(c) Tasks. The STAR Kids Advisory Committee makes recommendations consistent with its purpose to HHSC through regularly scheduled meetings and staff assigned to the committee.
(d) Reporting requirements.
(1) Reporting to Executive Commissioner. By December 31 of each fiscal year, the STAR Kids Advisory Committee must file a written report with the Executive Commissioner that covers the meetings and activities in the immediately preceding fiscal year. The report:
(A) lists the meeting dates;
(B) provides the members' attendance records;
(C) briefly describes actions taken by the committee;
(D) describes how the committee has accomplished its tasks;
(E) summarizes the status of any rules that the committee recommended to HHSC;
(F) describes anticipated activities the committee will undertake in the next fiscal year;
(G) recommends amendments to this section, as needed; and
(H) identifies the costs related to the committee, including the cost of HHSC staff time spent supporting the committee's activities and the source of funds used to support the committee's activities.
(2) Reporting to Texas Legislature. By December 31 of each even-numbered year, the committee must file a written report with the Texas Legislature of any policy recommendations made to the Executive Commissioner.
(e) Open meetings. The STAR Kids Advisory Committee complies with the requirements for open meetings under Texas Government Code Chapter 551 as if it were a governmental body.
(f) Membership.
(1) The Executive Commissioner appoints the members of the STAR Kids Advisory Committee.
(2) The STAR Kids Advisory Committee may consist of:
(A) representatives from families whose children will receive private duty nursing, are IDD waiver recipients, or receive mental and behavioral health services under the program;
(B) medical care providers;
(C) providers of home and community-based services, including at least one private duty nursing provider, one durable medical equipment provider, and one pediatric therapy provider;
(D) managed care organizations;
(E) advocates for children with special health care needs;
(F) family members of children with autism spectrum disorder who are Medicaid recipients; and
(G) other stakeholders as the executive commissioner determines appropriate.
(3) The STAR Kids Advisory Committee may have no more than 24 members.
(4) In selecting voting members, the Executive Commissioner considers ethnic and minority representation and geographic representation.
(g) Presiding officer.
(1) The committee selects from its members a presiding officer and, at the discretion of the committee, an assistant presiding officer.
(2) The presiding officer serves until August 31 of each even-numbered year. The assistant presiding officer, if applicable, serves until August 31 of each odd-numbered year.
(3) A member serves no more than two consecutive terms as presiding officer or assistant presiding officer.
(h) Required Training. Each member shall complete all training on relevant statutes and rules, including this section and §351.801 of this subchapter (relating to Authority and General Provisions) and Texas Government Code §531.012, and Texas Government Code Chapters 551 and 2110. HHSC will provide the training.
(i) Abolition. On December 31, 2023, the advisory committee is abolished, and this section expires.
Source Note: The provisions of this §351.833 adopted to be effective July 1, 2016, 41 TexReg 4432; amended to be effective February 25, 2019, 44 TexReg 807; amended to be effective January 27, 2020, 45 TexReg 523; amended to be effective December 8, 2020, 45 TexReg 8769