
Rule 3.53 Annual Well Tests and Well Status Reports Required

(a) Oil wells. (1) Unless otherwise provided for in this section, each operator of producing oil wells shall annually test each producing oil well for a 24-hour period during the test period specified on the well status report form and shall record all oil, gas and water volumes resulting from the test on the form. (2) For any oil well capable of producing no more than five barrels of oil per 24-hour period, the operator of such well may report the required oil, gas and water volumes based on an allocation of that well's production on a prorated daily basis, rather than an actual well test. This option of using production allocation instead of actual well tests does not apply to surface-commingled wells, swabbed wells, the East Texas Field or the following Panhandle fields: Panhandle Carson County Field (Field Number 68845-001); Panhandle Collingsworth County Field (Field Number 68859-001); Panhandle Gray County Field (Field Number 68873-001); Panhandle Hutchison County Field (Field Number 68887-001); Panhandle Moore County field (Field Number 68901-001); Panhandle Potter County Field (Field Number 68915-001); and Panhandle Wheeler County Field (Field Number 68929-001). (3) Each operator of a well or wells listed in the oil proration schedule shall file with the commission an oil well status report form in accordance with instructions on the form. All wells on a lease, and injection and disposal wells, must be reported. (4) Changes in oil well status filed between regularly scheduled oil well status surveys shall be submitted on oil well status report forms in accordance with instructions thereon. (b) Gas wells. Each operator of a gas well producing liquid hydrocarbons shall file with the commission gas well status reports in accordance with instructions thereon. Source Note: The provisions of this §3.53 adopted to be effective January 1, 1976; amended to be effective November 21, 1980, 5 TexReg 4419; amended to be effective February 13, 1997, 22 TexReg 1313; amended to be effective January 10, 2000, 25 TexReg 79
Gavvy last updated this database on: Aug 7, 2024