(a) Introduction. This section describes the circumstances for program periods before September 1, 2022, or for the time period as approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, under which HHSC directs a Managed Care Organization (MCO) to provide a uniform percentage rate increase to hospitals in the MCO's network in a designated service delivery area (SDA) for the provision of inpatient services, outpatient services, or both. This section also describes the methodology used by HHSC to calculate and administer such rate increase.
(b) Definitions. The following definitions apply when the terms are used in this section. Terms that are used in this and other sections of this subchapter may be defined in §353.1301 of this subchapter (relating to General Provisions).
(1) Children's hospital--A Medicaid hospital designated by Medicare as a children's hospital.
(2) Inpatient hospital services--Services ordinarily furnished in a hospital for the care and treatment of inpatients under the direction of a physician or dentist, or a subset of these services identified by HHSC. Inpatient hospital services do not include skilled nursing facility or intermediate care facility services furnished by a hospital with swing-bed approval, and any other services that HHSC determines should not be subject to the rate increase.
(3) Institution for mental diseases (IMD)--A hospital that is primarily engaged in providing psychiatric diagnosis, treatment, or care of individuals with mental illness.
(4) Non-urban public hospital--
(A) A hospital owned and operated by a governmental entity, other than a hospital described in paragraph (8) of this subsection, defining rural public hospital, or a hospital described in paragraph (10) of this subsection, defining urban public hospital; or
(B) A hospital meeting the definition of rural public-financed hospital in §355.8065(b)(37) of this title (relating to Disproportionate Share Hospital Reimbursement Methodology), other than a hospital described in paragraph (7) of this subsection defining rural private hospital.
(5) Outpatient hospital services--Preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic, rehabilitative, or palliative services that are furnished to outpatients of a hospital under the direction of a physician or dentist, or a subset of these services identified by HHSC. HHSC may, in its contracts with MCOs governing rate increases under this section, exclude from the definition of outpatient hospital services such services as are not generally furnished by most hospitals in the state, or such services that HHSC determines should not be subject to the rate increase.
(6) Program period--A period of time for which HHSC will contract with participating MCOs to pay increased capitation rates for the purpose of provider payments under this section. Each program period is equal to a state fiscal year beginning September 1 and ending August 31 of the following year. An SDA that is unable to participate in the program described in this section beginning September 1 may apply to participate beginning March 1 of the program period and ending August 31. Participation during such a modified program period is subject to the application and intergovernmental-transfer deadlines described in subsection (g) of this section.
(7) Rural private hospital--A privately-operated hospital that is a rural hospital as defined in §355.8052 of this title (relating to Inpatient Hospital Reimbursement).
(8) Rural public hospital--A hospital that is owned and operated by a governmental entity and is a rural hospital as defined in §355.8052 of this title.
(9) State-owned hospital--A hospital that is owned and operated by a state university or other state agency.
(10) Urban public hospital--A hospital that is operated by or under a lease contract with one of the following entities: the Dallas County Hospital District, the El Paso County Hospital District, the Harris County Hospital District, the Tarrant County Hospital District, the Travis County Healthcare District dba Central Health, the University Health System of Bexar County, the Ector County Hospital District, the Lubbock County Hospital District, or the Nueces County Hospital District.
(c) Classes of participating hospitals.
(1) HHSC may direct the MCOs in an SDA that is participating in the program described in this section to provide a uniform percentage rate increase to all hospitals within one or more of the following classes of hospital with which the MCO contracts for inpatient or outpatient services:
(A) children's hospitals;
(B) non-urban public hospitals;
(C) rural private hospitals;
(D) rural public hospitals;
(E) state-owned hospitals;
(F) urban public hospitals;
(G) non-state-owned IMDs; and
(H) all other hospitals.
(2) If HHSC directs rate increases to more than one class of hospital within the SDA, the percentage rate increases directed by HHSC may vary between classes of hospital.
(d) Eligibility. HHSC determines eligibility for rate increases by SDA and class of hospital.
(1) Service delivery area. Only hospitals in an SDA that includes at least one sponsoring governmental entity are eligible for a rate increase.
(2) Class of hospital. HHSC will identify the class or classes of hospital within each SDA described in paragraph (1) of this subsection to be eligible for a rate increase. HHSC will consider the following factors when identifying the class or classes of hospital eligible for a rate increase and the percent increase applicable to each class:
(A) whether a class of hospital contributes more or less significantly to the goals and objectives in HHSC's quality strategy, as required in 42 C.F.R. §438.340, relative to other classes;
(B) which class or classes of hospital the sponsoring governmental entity wishes to support through intergovernmental transfers (IGTs) of public funds, as indicated on the application described in subsection (g) of this section; and
(C) the percentage of Medicaid costs incurred by the class of hospital in providing care to Medicaid managed care clients that are reimbursed by Medicaid MCOs prior to any uniform rate increase administered under this section.
(e) Services subject to rate increase.
(1) HHSC may direct the MCOs in an SDA to increase rates for all or a subset of inpatient services, all or a subset of outpatient services, or all or a subset of both, based on the service or services that will best advance the goals and objectives of HHSC's quality strategy.
(2) In addition to the limitations described in paragraph (1) of this subsection, rate increases for a non-state-owned IMD are limited to inpatient psychiatric hospital services provided to individuals under the age of 21 and to inpatient hospital services provided to individuals 65 years or older.
(3) UHRIP rate increases will apply only to the in-network managed care claims billed under a hospital's primary National Provider Identifier (NPI) and will not be applicable to NPIs associated with non-hospital sub-providers owned or operated by a hospital.
(f) Determination of percentage of rate increase.
(1) In determining the percentage of rate increase applicable to one or more classes of hospital, HHSC will consider the following factors:
(A) information from the participants in the SDA (including hospitals, managed-care organizations, and sponsoring governmental entities) on one or both of the following, as indicated on the application described in subsection (g) of this section:
(i) the amount of IGT the sponsoring governmental entities propose to transfer to HHSC to support the non-federal share of the increased rates for the first six months of a program period; and
(ii) the percentage rate increase the SDA participants propose for one or more classes of hospital for the first six months of a program period;
(B) the class or classes of hospital determined in subsection (d)(2) of this section;
(C) the type of service or services determined in subsection (e) of this section;
(D) actuarial soundness of the capitation payment needed to support the rate increase;
(E) available budget neutrality room under any applicable federal waiver programs;
(F) hospital market dynamics within the SDA; and