(a) Introduction. This section establishes the Rural Access to Primary and Preventive Services (RAPPS) program. RAPPS is designed to incentivize rural health clinics (RHCs) to improve quality, access, and innovation in the provision of medical services to Medicaid recipients through the use of metrics that are expected to advance at least one of the goals and objectives of the state's managed care quality strategy.
(b) Definitions. The following definitions apply when the terms are used in this section. Other terms used in this section may be defined in §353.1301 of this subchapter (relating to General Provisions) or §353.1317 of this subchapter (relating to Quality Metrics for Rural Access to Primary and Preventive Services Program).
(1) Freestanding rural health clinic (RHC)--A network RHC that is not affiliated with a hospital.
(2) Hospital-based RHC--A network RHC that is affiliated with a hospital.
(3) Intergovernmental transfer (IGT) notification--Notice and directions regarding how and when IGTs should be made in support of RAPPS.
(4) Network RHC--An RHC located in the state of Texas that has a contract with a managed care organization (MCO) for the delivery of Medicaid-covered services to the MCO's enrollees.
(5) Program period--A period of time for which the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) contracts with MCOs to pay increased capitation rates for the purpose of making RHC payments under this section. Each program period is equal to a state fiscal year beginning September 1 and ending August 31 of the following year.
(6) Rural health clinic (RHC)--Has the meaning assigned by 42 U.S.C. §1396d(l)(1).
(7) Suggested IGT responsibility--Notice of potential amounts that a sponsoring governmental entity may wish to consider transferring in support of RAPPS.
(8) Total program value--The maximum amount available under the RAPPS program for a program period, as determined by HHSC.
(c) Classes of RHCs.
(1) HHSC may direct an MCO to provide an increased payment or percentage rate increase for certain services to all RAPPS-enrolled RHCs in one or more of the following classes of RHCs with which the MCO contracts for Medicaid services:
(A) hospital-based RHCs; and
(B) freestanding RHCs.
(2) If HHSC directs rate increases or payments to more than one RHC class in the service delivery area (SDA), the rate increases or payments may vary by RHC class. HHSC will consider the following factors in identifying the amount of the rate increase or payment for each class:
(A) the RHC class's contribution to the goals and objectives in the HHSC managed care quality strategy, as required in 42 C.F.R. §438.340, relative to other classes;
(B) the class or classes of RHC the sponsoring governmental entity wishes to support through IGTs of public funds, as indicated on the application described in subsection (f) of this section; and
(C) the actuarial soundness of the capitation payment needed to support the rate increase or payment.
(d) Eligibility. An RHC is eligible to participate in RAPPS if it meets the requirements described in this subsection.
(1) Location. The RHC must be located in an SDA with at least one sponsoring governmental entity.
(2) Minimum number of Medicaid managed care encounters. The RHC must have provided at least 30 Medicaid managed care encounters in the prior state fiscal year.
(e) Data sources for historical units of service and clients served. Historical units of service are used to determine an RHC's eligibility status and the estimated distribution of RAPPS funds across enrolled RHCs.
(1) HHSC will use encounter data and will identify encounters based on the billing provider's national provider identification (NPI) number and provider type code.
(2) HHSC will use the most recently available Medicaid encounter data for a complete state fiscal year to determine the eligibility status of an RHC.
(3) HHSC will use the most recently available Medicaid encounter data for a complete state fiscal year to determine the distribution of RAPPS funds across enrolled RHCs.
(4) In the event that the historical data are not deemed appropriate for use by actuarial standards, HHSC may utilize data from a different state fiscal year at HHSC's discretion.
(5) The data used to estimate eligibility and distribution of funds will align with the data used for purposes of setting the capitation rates for MCOs for the same period.
(6) To determine total program value, HHSC will calculate the estimated rate that Medicare would have paid for the same services using either each RHC's state fiscal year 2019 federal cost report or its last submitted cost report. For RHCs where a filed cost report was not found, the RHC's Medicare payments will be estimated using the SDA weighted average ratio of Medicare encounter-based reimbursements divided by MCO reimbursement data.
(7) Encounter data used to calculate RAPPS payments must be designated as paid status with a reported paid amount greater than zero. Encounters reported as paid status but with a reported paid amount of zero or negative dollars will be excluded from the data used to calculate RAPPS payments.
(8) If a provider with the same Tax Identification Number as the payor is being paid more than 200 percent of the Medicaid reimbursement on average for the same services in a one-year period, then a related party adjustment will be applied to the encounter data for those encounters. This adjustment will apply a calculated average payment rate from the rest of the provider pool to the related party's paid units of service.
(f) Conditions of Participation. As a condition of participation, all RHCs participating in RAPPS, as well as any entities billing on their behalf, must meet the following requirements.
(1) The RHC must submit a properly completed enrollment application by the due date determined by HHSC. The enrollment period will be no less than 21 calendar days, and the final date of the enrollment period will be at least nine calendar days prior to the release of suggested IGT responsibilities.
(A) Enrollment is conducted annually and participants may not join the program after the enrollment period closes. Any updates to enrollment information must be submitted prior to the publication of the IGT notification under subsection (g)(3) of this section.
(B) Network status for providers for the entire program period will be determined at the time of enrollment based on the submission of documentation through the enrollment process that shows an MCO has identified the provider as having a network agreement.
(2) An entity that bills on behalf of the RHC must certify, on a form prescribed by HHSC, that no part of any RAPPS payment will be used to pay a contingent fee and that the entity's agreement with the RHC does not use a reimbursement methodology that contains any type of incentive, directly or indirectly, for inappropriately inflating, in any way, claims billed to the Medicaid program, including the RHC's receipt of RAPPS funds. The certification must be received by HHSC with the enrollment application described in paragraph (1) of this subsection.
(3) If an RHC has changed ownership in the past five years in a way that impacts eligibility for RAPPS, the RHC must submit to HHSC, upon demand, copies of contracts it has with third parties with respect to the transfer of ownership or the management of the RHC and which reference the administration of, or payments from, RAPPS.
(4) Report all quality data denoted as required as a condition of participation in subsection (h) of this section.
(5) Failure to meet any conditions of participation described in this subsection will result in removal of the provider from the program and recoupment of all funds previously paid during the program period.
(g) Non-federal share of RAPPS payments. The non-federal share of all RAPPS payments is funded with IGTs from sponsoring governmental entities. No state general revenue is available to support RAPPS.
(1) HHSC will communicate the following information for the program period to all RAPPS-enrolled hospital-based RHCs and sponsoring governmental entities at least 10 calendar days prior to the IGT declaration of intent deadline:
(A) suggested IGT responsibilities for the program period, which will be based on:
(i) the maximum funding amount available under RAPPS for the program period as determined by HHSC, plus ten percent;
(ii) forecasted member months for the program period as determined by HHSC; and