(a) A performer may receive DSRIP only if HHSC and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services have approved the RHP plan with which the performer is associated.
(b) An RHP plan must:
(1) meet the requirements listed in the Program Funding and Mechanics Protocol (PFM Protocol) and the RHP Planning Protocol;
(2) describe the Regional Healthcare Partnership's (RHP's) health care needs, referencing sources used;
(3) include a list of IGT entities, performers, and UC hospitals;
(4) include a certification that all the information contained within the RHP plan is true and accurate;
(5) describe the processes used to engage stakeholders including the public meetings held, public posting of the RHP plan, and the process for submitting public comment on the RHP plan;
(6) include a reasonable estimate of the available non-federal funds in the region, by demonstration year, to support the UC and DSRIP pools;
(7) include the total amount of estimated UC and DSRIP funding to be used by demonstration year;
(8) include the minimum number of DSRIP projects as described in §354.1632 of this subchapter (relating to DSRIP Requirements for Regional Healthcare Partnerships);
(9) list all DSRIP projects submitted to the RHP for consideration, including those DSRIP projects proposed by RHP participants that were not selected for inclusion in the RHP plan;
(10) include a narrative explaining how all of the DSRIP projects selected by the RHP will:
(A) address the community needs outlined in the RHP plan; and
(B) demonstrate health care delivery transformation and improvement in the quality of care provided in that RHP; and
(11) include a description of each DSRIP project that must:
(A) include the milestones and metrics associated with the project;
(B) for each milestone, include the estimated DSRIP funding;
(C) contain a reasonable estimate of the IGT provided by the IGT entity in connection with the DSRIP project as well as the identity of the IGT entity;
(D) explain how the project addresses the regional health care needs stated within the RHP plan;
(E) justify the amount of DSRIP funding estimated for the project;
(F) explain how the DSRIP funding will not duplicate the funding for federal activities or initiatives funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services;
(G) address each core component required for the project as identified in the RHP Planning Protocol; and
(H) provide a reasonable, quantifiable estimate of the impact the DSRIP project will have on all patients, including Medicaid and low-income uninsured populations.
Source Note: The provisions of this §354.1621 adopted to be effective October 31, 2012, 37 TexReg 8453; amended to be effective September 1, 2013, 38 TexReg 5431