(a) A performer may receive DSRIP only if HHSC has approved the RHP plan update for the performer's RHP.
(b) An RHP plan update must:
(1) meet the requirements listed in the Program Funding and Mechanics Protocol and the Measure Bundle Protocol;
(2) update the RHP's community needs assessment, referencing sources used;
(3) include a list of IGT entities, performers, UC hospitals, and other stakeholders involved in the development of the RHP plan update;
(4) include certifications that all the information contained within the RHP plan update is true and accurate;
(5) describe the processes used to engage stakeholders including the public meetings held, public posting of the RHP plan update, and the process for submitting public comment on the RHP plan update;
(6) include the total amount of estimated DSRIP funding to be used by demonstration year (DY);
(7) include for each performer:
(A) the definition of the performer's system;
(B) a description of the performer's core activities for DY7-8;
(C) the performer's Category B total Patient Population by Provider (PPP) and MLIU PPP baseline data;
(D) if the performer is a hospital or physician practice, the performer's selected Category C Measure Bundles and measures, and requests for allowable changes to those Measure Bundles and measures, as described in the Program Funding and Mechanics Protocol and Measure Bundle Protocol;
(E) if the performer is a community mental health center or local health department, the performer's selected Category C measures, and requests for allowable changes to those measures, as described in the Program Funding and Mechanics Protocol and Measure Bundle Protocol;
(F) a description of the transition of the performer's DY2-6 projects to DY7-8;
(G) the performer's Category D Statewide Reporting Measure Bundle;
(H) the performer's DSRIP valuation amounts; and
(I) the performer's sources of non-federal funds by category and DY;
(8) include a narrative explaining the performer's rationale for its Category C Measure Bundle and measure selections; and
(9) if the RHP is allocated DY7-8 remaining funds as described in §354.1721 of this division (relating to Remaining Funds for Demonstration Years (DYs) 7-8), the information required by that section.
Source Note: The provisions of this §354.1697 adopted to be effective December 1, 2017, 42 TexReg 6609; amended to be effective April 26, 2018, 43 TexReg 2393