(a) An Uncompensated Care (UC) hospital must:
(1) attend at least one learning collaborative, stakeholder forum, or other stakeholder meeting each demonstration year (DY); and
(2) report on the hospital Statewide Reporting Measure Bundle measures required for UC hospitals, as specified in the Measure Bundle Protocol, for each DY.
(A) If a UC hospital fails to report on the hospital Category D - Statewide Reporting Measure Bundle measures required for UC hospitals by the last quarter of the applicable DY, the hospital forfeits one quarter of its UC payments for that DY.
(B) A UC hospital may request from HHSC a six-month extension from the end of the DY to report any outstanding hospital Statewide Reporting Measure Bundle measures required for UC hospitals. The UC hospital will receive the fourth-quarter UC payment only if all outstanding required measures are reported within that six-month extension.
(3) A UC hospital is not eligible to receive DSRIP for Category D - Statewide Reporting Measure Bundle reporting.
(b) Exceptions to the requirements in subsection (a) of this section may be approved by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services on a case-by-case basis.
Source Note: The provisions of this §354.1717 adopted to be effective December 1, 2017, 42 TexReg 6609