A performer may submit a request to HHSC to modify elements of the RHP plan update for the performer's RHP prospectively, as described in the Program Funding and Mechanics Protocol, including the performer's:
(1) System definition;
(2) Category B Medicaid and Low-income Uninsured (MLIU) Patient Population by Provider (PPP);
(3) Category C measure payer types for reporting milestones;
(4) Category C measure payer type for goal achievement milestones;
(5) Category C optional measures if the performer is a hospital or physician practice; or
(6) Category C measures if the performer is a:
(A) community mental health center;
(B) local health department; or
(C) hospital or physician practice that has received approval from HHSC to select measures, rather than Measure Bundles, from the Measure Bundle Protocol as described in §354.1753 of this division (relating to Category C Requirements for Performers).
Source Note: The provisions of this §354.1741 adopted to be effective November 12, 2019, 44 TexReg 6854