(a) Initial peer specialist certification is valid for six months.
(b) During the initial certification period, a peer specialist must document at least 250 hours of supervised work experience as a peer specialist under this subchapter.
(1) Independent study, such as reading or watching instructional videos, does not count toward the required hours.
(2) Time spent receiving supervision, other than observation of the peer specialist providing services, does not count toward the required hours.
(c) Supervision of a peer specialist during initial certification must comply with §354.3103 of this subchapter (relating to Supervision of Peer Specialists) and §354.3105 of this subchapter (relating to Peer Specialist Supervisor Minimum Qualifications).
(d) If a peer specialist is not able to complete the supervised work experience and submit documentation of such to the certification entity within the six-month certification, the certification entity may approve one additional six-month certification or may deny renewal.
(e) Documentation of supervised work experience must include a letter of recommendation from the peer specialist's supervisor.
(f) Once the certification entity receives and approves documentation that a peer specialist has successfully completed the 250 hours of supervised work experience, the certification entity grants the peer specialist a two-year certification.
Source Note: The provisions of this §354.3205 adopted to be effective January 1, 2019, 43 TexReg 8573