The following words and terms, when used in this subchapter, have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
(1) CDS employer--Consumer directed services employer. A member or the member's legally authorized representative who participates in the CDS option and whose financial management services agency (FMSA) uses an electronic visit verification (EVV) vendor system or an EVV proprietary system. A CDS employer is responsible for hiring and retaining a service provider who delivers a service described in §354.4005 of this subchapter (relating to Personal Care Services that Require the Use of EVV) or §354.4006 of this subchapter (relating to Home Health Care Services that Require the Use of EVV).
(2) CDS option--Consumer directed services option. A service delivery option in which a CDS employer employs and retains a service provider and directs the delivery of a service described in §354.4005 or §354.4006 of this subchapter.
(3) CFC--Community First Choice. A Medicaid state plan option governed by Code of Federal Regulations, Title 42, Part 441, Subpart K, Home and Community-Based Attendant Services and Supports State Plan Option (Community First Choice). CFC services include the following.
(A) CFC HAB--CFC habilitation. A Medicaid state plan service that provides habilitation through CFC as described in §354.1361 of this chapter (relating to Definitions).
(B) CFC PAS--CFC personal assistance services. A Medicaid state plan service that provides personal assistance services through CFC as described in §354.1361 of this chapter.
(C) CFC PAS/HAB--CFC personal assistance services/habilitation. A Medicaid state plan service provided through CFC that provides both personal assistance services and habilitation.
(4) CLASS Program--Community Living Assistance and Support Services Program. A Medicaid waiver program approved by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services under Title XIX, Section 1915(c) of the Social Security Act, as described in 26 TAC Chapter 259 (relating to Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS) Program and Community First Choice (CFC) Services).
(5) CMS--Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. The federal agency within the United States Department of Health and Human Services that administers the Medicare and Medicaid programs.
(6) Community Attendant Services Program--A Medicaid state plan program operating under Title XIX of the Social Security Act, as described in 40 TAC Chapter 47 (relating to Primary Home Care, Community Attendant Services, and Family Care Programs).
(7) DBMD Program--Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities. The Medicaid waiver program approved by CMS under Title XIX, Section 1915(c) of the Social Security Act, as described in 26 TAC Chapter 260 (relating to Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities (DBMD) Program and Community First Choice (CFC) Services).
(8) EVV--Electronic visit verification. The documentation and verification of service delivery through an EVV system.
(9) EVV aggregator--A centralized database that collects, validates, and stores statewide EVV visit data transmitted by an EVV system.
(10) EVV claim--A request for payment of a service described in §354.4005 or §354.4006 of this subchapter submitted to HHSC, HHSC's designated contractor, or a managed care organization (MCO) in accordance with the EVV Policy Handbook.
(11) EVV Policy Handbook--A handbook promulgated by HHSC that contains policies and requirements related to EVV.
(12) EVV portal--An online system established by HHSC that allows users to perform searches, view reports and view EVV claim match results associated with data in the EVV aggregator.
(13) EVV portal user--A person who is employed by or contracts with a program provider or FMSA and has access to the EVV portal.
(14) EVV proprietary system--An HHSC EVV system purchased or developed by a program provider or FMSA approved by HHSC in accordance with §354.4013 of this subchapter (relating to HHSC and MCO Compliance Reviews and Enforcement Actions) that a program provider or FMSA uses instead of an EVV vendor system.
(15) EVV system--An EVV vendor system or an EVV proprietary system used to electronically document and verify the data elements described in §354.4009(a) of this subchapter (relating to EVV Visit Transaction and EVV Claim) for a visit conducted to provide a service described in §354.4005 or §354.4006 of this subchapter.
(16) EVV system user--A person who has access to the EVV system, including a person employed by or contracting with a program provider, FMSA, or CDS employer.
(17) EVV vendor system--An EVV system developed and operated by a vendor that contracts with HHSC or HHSC's designated contractor that a program provider or FMSA uses instead of an EVV proprietary system.
(18) EVV visit transaction--A record generated by an EVV system that contains the data elements described in §354.4009(a) of this subchapter for a visit conducted to provide a service described in §354.4005 or §354.4006 of this subchapter.
(19) FC Program--Family Care Program. A program funded under Title XX, Subtitle A of the Social Security Act, as described in 40 TAC Chapter 47.
(20) FMSA--Financial management services agency. A program provider that contracts with HHSC or an MCO to provide financial management services to a CDS employer as described in 40 TAC Chapter 41 (relating to Consumer Directed Services Option).
(21) HCBS-AMH Program--Home and Community-Based Services Adult Mental Health Program. A Medicaid state plan option approved by CMS under Title XIX, Section 1915(i) of the Social Security Act, as described in 26 TAC Chapter 307, Subchapter B (relating to Home and Community-Based Services--Adult Mental Health Program).
(22) HCS Program--Home and Community-based Services Program. A Medicaid waiver program approved by CMS under Title XIX, Section 1915(c) of the Social Security Act, as described in 26 TAC Chapter 263 (relating to Home and Community-based Services (HCS) Program and Community First Choice (CFC)).
(23) HHSC--Texas Health and Human Services Commission.
(24) Home health aide--Has the meaning set forth in 26 TAC §558.2 (relating to Definitions).
(25) ICF/IID--Intermediate care facility for individuals with an intellectual disability or related conditions. An ICF/IID is a facility that is licensed in accordance with THSC Chapter 252 or certified by HHSC.
(26) IMD--Institution for mental diseases. Has the meaning set forth in 25 TAC §419.373 (relating to Definitions).
(27) LVN--Licensed vocational nurse. A person licensed to practice as a vocational nurse as described in Texas Occupations Code Chapter 301.
(28) MCO--Managed care organization. Has the meaning set forth in Texas Government Code §536.001.
(29) MDCP--Medically Dependent Children Program. A Medicaid waiver program approved by CMS under Title XIX, Section 1915(c) of the Social Security Act, as described in Chapter 353, Subchapter M of this title (relating to Home and Community Based Services in Managed Care).
(30) MDCP STAR Health covered service--Medically Dependent Children Program STAR Health covered service. A service provided to a member eligible to receive MDCP benefits under the STAR Health Program.
(31) MDCP STAR Kids covered service--Medically Dependent Children Program STAR Kids covered service. A service provided to a member eligible to receive MDCP benefits under the STAR Kids Program.
(32) Member--A person enrolled in one of the following:
(A) traditional Medicaid service delivery model also referred to as fee-for-service;
(B) the CLASS Program;
(C) the Community Attendant Services Program;
(D) the DBMD Program;
(E) the FC Program;
(F) the HCBS-AMH Program;
(G) the HCS Program;
(H) the Primary Home Care Program;
(I) the STAR Program;
(J) the STAR Health Program;
(K) the STAR Kids Program;
(L) the STAR+PLUS Program;
(M) the STAR+PLUS Home and Community-Based Services Program;
(N) the STAR+PLUS Medicare-Medicaid Program;
(O) the Texas Home Living Program;
(P) Texas Health Steps Comprehensive Care Program (CCP); or