(a) Introduction. The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) uses the methodology described in this section to establish emergency temporary reimbursement rate increases while limiting use of the funds received by the provider through the increases. This section also describes the circumstances in which recoupments will be necessary for certain provider types or services during the COVID-19 federal public health emergency period. Provider types and services that are eligible for increased reimbursement rates under this section include:
(1) all provider types and services for which a reimbursement rate methodology is described in this chapter; and
(2) any other provider or service that is established in response to COVID-19.
(b) Eligibility. To receive and retain emergency temporary reimbursement rate increases from HHSC under this section:
(1) the provider must be enrolled as a Medicaid provider with HHSC;
(2) the provider must be actively providing and billing for services provided to fee-for-service Medicaid clients;
(3) the provider must agree not to use the reimbursement rate increases to increase hourly wages paid to direct care staff on an ongoing basis, and to limit use of the funds to overtime payments, lump sum bonuses, bonuses for hazard pay, or other types of compensation that will not result in future reductions to hourly wages when the emergency temporary reimbursement rate increase is discontinued; and
(4) HHSC must receive approval from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) for the provider type or specific service to be reimbursed through this section.
(c) Attestation of agreement. The provider must submit an electronic attestation of agreement to comply with subsection (b)(3) of this section either within 90 days of the effective date of the reimbursement rate increase, or by September 30, 2020, whichever date is later.
(d) Reconciliation process. HHSC uses the methodology in this subsection to recoup the temporary emergency payments made under this section if a provider fails to submit the attestation of agreement under subsection (c) of this section.
(1) HHSC will reduce reimbursement rates for any claim for services to the amount that would have been paid to the provider absent the emergency temporary reimbursement rate increase.
(2) The provider's claims will be reprocessed at the lower reimbursement rate under paragraph (1) of this subsection and an accounts receivable will be established.
(3) The provider will be paid on a normal per claim basis after the equivalent amount of the account receivable has been collected by HHSC, or its designee.
(4) After 270 days from the date of the establishment of the account receivable under paragraph (1) of this subsection, HHSC will recoup any overpayments owed under paragraph (1) of this subsection by demanding immediate repayment of any outstanding amount.
(e) Overpayment.
(1) If payments under this section result in an overpayment to a provider, HHSC, or its designee, may recoup an amount equivalent to the overpayment.
(2) Payments made under this section may be subject to any adjustments for payments made in error or due to fraud, including, without limitation, adjustments made under the Texas Administrative Code, the Code of Federal Regulations, and state and federal statutes. HHSC, or its designee, may recoup an amount equal to any such adjustments from the providers in question. This section may not be construed to limit the independent authority of another federal or state agency or organization to recover from the provider for a payment made due to fraud.
(f) Disallowance of federal funds. If payments under this section are disallowed by CMS, HHSC may recoup the amount of the disallowance from providers that participated in the program associated with the disallowance. If the recoupment from a provider for such a disallowance results in a subsequent disallowance, HHSC will recoup the amount of that subsequent disallowance from the same entity.
(g) Termination of emergency temporary rate increases. HHSC will terminate the emergency temporary rate increases at the earlier of either the termination of the federally declared public health emergency, including any extensions, or at the time that HHSC determines rate increases are no longer necessary pursuant to §355.201(c)(3) of this chapter (relating to Establishment and Adjustment of Reimbursement Rates for Medicaid). However, HHSC will continue to enforce the reconciliation and recoupment processes described in subsections (d), (e), and (f) of this section after the termination of the temporary emergency rate increases.
Source Note: The provisions of this §355.205 adopted to be effective December 31, 2020, 45 TexReg 9407