(a) A certified brucellosis free goat agreement must be completed and signed with the Texas Animal Health Commission.
(b) Brucellosis testing will be on a herd basis. Certified free herd status is for a 12-month period.
(c) Goats required to be tested--all sexually intact goats are required to be tested at one year of age or older as evidenced by the eruption of their first pair of permanent incisor teeth.
(d) Qualifying methods:
(1) Initial certification. Two consecutive, negative blood tests of all goats required to be tested not less than 10 months, nor more than 14 months apart;
(2) Recertification. For continuous certification, a herd must have a negative herd test of all goats required to be tested conducted within 60 days before the certification anniversary date. If the certification test is conducted within 60 days after the anniversary date, the certification period will be 12 months from the anniversary and not 12 months from the date of the recertifying test. During the interval between the anniversary date and the recertifying test, certification will be suspended. If a herd test for recertification is not conducted within 60 days after the anniversary date, the certification requirements are the same as for initial certification.
(3) Purchase of a certified free herd:
(A) A negative herd blood test is not required when the goats remain on the premises. A new certificate will be issued in the owner's name. The anniversary date and the herd number will remain the same;
(B) All or part of a certified free herd purchased and moved directly to premises without other goats may qualify without a test. A new certification number will be issued. The anniversary date of the new herd is established by the test date of the herd of origin or by a new herd test of the purchased goats.
(e) Qualifying standards:
(1) Herd infection rates. The individual herd must disclose no evidence of infection at the time of initial certification or recertification;
(2) Animal infection rates. The individual animals must disclose no evidence of infection at the time of initial herd certification or recertification;
(3) Requirements following classification of a goat as a reactor or suspect. Goat herds with animals classified as reactors or suspects will be placed under hold order or quarantine and follow requirements as outlined in §35.61 of this title (relating to General Requirements).
(4) Movement of goats into a certified brucellosis free herd from certified brucellosis free herds. No test is required on goats originated from certified brucellosis free herds. Goats added to a certified brucellosis free herd under this provision shall not receive new herd status for sale purposes until they have passed a 60-120 day post entry test.
(f) Proof of qualifying as a certified brucellosis free herd:
(1) Initially a certificate will be issued.
(2) Recertification will be done by renewal certificate showing only the certified free herd number, number of animals, and owner.
Source Note: The provisions of this §35.62 adopted to be effective December 24, 2000, 25 TexReg 12376