(a) The executive administrator will approve a plan as administratively complete when it contains the information required by Texas Water Code §36.1071(a) and (e). The executive administrator will notify the district in writing of the determination.
(b) If approval is denied, the executive administrator will provide written reasons for the denial with the notice of denial. A district has 180 days from receipt of notice to submit a revised management plan for review and approval. A revised or amended management plan must comply with all requirements of this subchapter.
(c) An approved management plan remains in effect until:
(1) the district fails to readopt a management plan at least 90 days before the plan expires;
(2) the district fails to submit the district's readopted management plan to the executive administrator at least 60 days before the plan expires; or
(3) the executive administrator determines that the readopted management plan does not meet the requirements for approval and the district has exhausted all appeals to the board or court in accordance with Texas Water Code §36.1072(f).
Source Note: The provisions of this §356.54 adopted to be effective December 31, 2012, 37 TexReg 10238