If a person's pension or benefit checks are reduced because of recovery of overpayments, the following apply:
(1) All overpayments except Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (RSDI).
(A) If a person was receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or assistance under a Medicaid-funded program for the elderly and people with disabilities (MEPD) at the time of overpayment, the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) disregards as income the amount being recovered. HHSC counts the net amount of the benefit (that is, the gross benefit minus the amount being recouped) for the purpose of determining eligibility and calculating a co-payment.
(B) If a person was not receiving SSI or assistance under MEPD at the time of overpayment, HHSC counts the recovered amount as income. HHSC counts the gross amount of the benefit for the purpose of determining eligibility and calculating a co-payment.
(2) RSDI overpayments.
(A) If a person receives an overpayment of Social Security (RSDI or Title II) benefits, recoupment is not voluntary. HHSC counts the net amount of the RSDI benefit (that is, the gross RSDI minus the amount being recouped) for the purpose of determining eligibility and calculating a co-payment.
(B) If a person receives an overpayment of SSI benefits and the person is still eligible for SSI, the recoupment is voluntary. HHSC determines if the person signed a voluntary agreement for recoupment. If there is a signed agreement, HHSC counts the gross RSDI for the purpose of determining eligibility and calculating a co-payment. If there is no signed agreement, there should be no recoupment from RSDI benefits.
(C) If a person receives an overpayment of SSI benefits and the person is no longer eligible for SSI, recoupment of any RSDI or Title II benefits is not voluntary. HHSC counts the net amount of the RSDI benefit (that is, the gross RSDI minus the amount being recouped) for the purpose of determining eligibility and calculating a co-payment.
Source Note: The provisions of this §358.386 adopted to be effective September 1, 2009, 34 TexReg 5497