(a) If an incomplete application is received, the applicant will be notified of the deficiency and provided twenty (20) calendar days after receipt of notice to submit the missing information. If an applicant fails to furnish the missing information within twenty (20) calendar days, the application will be rejected as incomplete.
(b) An application is complete when:
(1) It contains all of the items required pursuant to §36.11 of this title (relating to Application for Certificate of Registration);
(2) It conforms to the Act, this chapter, and the program's instructions;
(3) All fees have been paid pursuant to §36.17 of this title (relating to Fees);
(4) All requests for additional information have been satisfied; and
(5) Proof of training has been completed pursuant to §36.34 of this title (relating to Texas Metals Program Recycler Training).
Source Note: The provisions of this §36.14 adopted to be effective January 10, 2016, 41 TexReg 497