Sec. 364.005. LEASE, RENTAL, OR DONATION OF FACILITY TO UNITED STATES. (a) A county may lease, rent, or donate to the United States property or a building, structure, or other facility acquired, constructed, improved, enlarged, or equipped in whole or in part with proceeds from the sale of bonds issued by a county under this chapter.
(b) The acquisition, construction, improvement, enlargement, or equipment by a county of property or a building, structure, or other facility for lease to and the donation of property or a building, structure, or other facility by a county to the United States for use in performing a federal governmental function in the county or at or near and relating to a toll bridge of the county is a public purpose and proper county function, regardless of whether the toll bridge or the federal facility relating to the toll bridge is located inside or outside the county.
Added by Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., Ch. 58 (S.B. 1334), Sec. 1, eff. May 18, 2021.