(a) Public water systems.
(1) Subdividers who propose to supply drinking water by connecting to an existing public water system must provide a written agreement with the retail public utility in substantially the form attached in Appendix 1A. The agreement must provide that the retail public utility has or will have the ability to supply the total flow anticipated from the ultimate development and occupancy of the proposed subdivision for a minimum of 30 years. The agreement must reflect that the subdivider has paid the cost of water meters and other necessary connection equipment, membership fees, water rights acquisition costs, or other fees associated with connection to the public water system so that service is available to each lot upon completion of construction of the water facilities described on the final plat.
Attached Graphic
(2) Where there is no existing retail public utility to construct and maintain the proposed water facilities, the subdivider shall establish a retail public utility and obtain a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity (CCN) from the commission. The public water system, the water quality and system design, construction and operation shall meet the minimum criteria set forth in 30 TAC §§290.38-290.51 and §§290.101-290.120. If groundwater is to be the source of the water supply, the subdivider shall have prepared and provide a copy of a groundwater availability study that complies with the requirements of 30 TAC §§230.1 through 230.11 for water availability for new public water supply systems and certifies the long term (30 years) quantity and quality of available groundwater supplies relative to the ultimate needs of the subdivision. If surface water is the source of supply, the subdivider shall provide evidence that sufficient water rights have been obtained and dedicated, either through acquisition or wholesale water supply agreement, that will provide a sufficient supply to serve the needs of the subdivision for a term of not less than 30 years.
(b) Non-public water systems. Where individual wells or other non-public water systems are proposed for the supply of drinking water to residential establishments, the subdivider shall have prepared and provide a copy of a groundwater availability study that complies with the requirements of 30 TAC §§230.1 through 230.11 for individual water supply wells on individual lots and certifies the long term (30 years) quantity and quality of available groundwater supplies relative to the ultimate needs of the subdivision. The water quality of the water produced from the test well must meet the standards of water quality required for community water systems as set forth in 30 TAC §§290.104, 290.106, 290.108 and 290.109, either:
(1) without any treatment to the water; or
(2) with treatment by an identified and commercially available water treatment system.
(c) Transportation of potable water. The conveyance of potable water by transport truck or other mobile device to supply the domestic needs of the subdivision is not an acceptable method, except on an emergency basis. Absence of a water system meeting the standards of these rules due to the negligence of the subdivider does not constitute an emergency.
Source Note: The provisions of this §364.32 adopted to be effective February 10, 2000, 25 TexReg 800; amended to be effective February 10, 2004, 29 TexReg 1203